Postgraduate Researchers' Summer Conference 2025

Tuesday 17 June 2025 - Wednesday 18 June 2025, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Our Postgraduate Researchers' Summer Conference (PRSC) is an annual event for all research students.

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Staff and students chatting

Welcome to Postgraduate Researchers' Summer Conference 2025

Our Postgraduate Researchers' Summer Conference (PRSC) is an annual event for all research students.

PRSC2025 edition will take place on 17 and 18 June 2025, showcasing the research carried out by researchers across all MDX Faculties, our Collaborative Partner Institutions and our overseas campuses.

"The challenge these days, is to be somewhere, to belong to some particular place, invest oneself in it, draw strength and courage from it, to dwell in a community"

In response to these wise words from Bell Hooks (philosopher, teacher, activist) we invite our Postgraduate Researcher community to come together in celebration of the potential that research holds to make a difference. Our MDX research community is united by a commitment to generate knowledge that contributes towards fairer, healthier, more prosperous, and sustainable societies. Enriching lives plays a significant role in achieving this goal. To that end, Enriching lives through research provides a rich ‘somewhere’ to collectively dwell upon the potential for research to be bold, creative and impactful.

The Summer Conference this year is chaired by Dr Noha Saleeb, Dr. Vesna Lukic, and Tricia McQuarrie.

PRSC2025 brings a diverse body of postgraduate researchers from all disciplines together to share how radical creativity can underpin critical enquiry. PRSC has long been a key event in the MDX calendar – offering a vital opportunity to come together in celebration of research undertaken across faculties and our collaborative partner institutions. It is a vital opportunity to share ideas, create fruitful collaborations and crucially ‘dwell in a community’. The event includes an incredible line up of keynote addresses and performances from inspirational figures whose work squarely speaks to the theme of the conference. We hope that you will enjoy two-days bursting with engaging and lively debate. We feel certain that this in-person experience that will both challenge and inspire you.

All postgraduate researchers are invited to participate in the Middlesex University Research Students’ Summer conference. This annual conference is dedicated to showcasing the innovative research undertaken by our postgraduate students. Students across all faculties and partner institutions are invited to share their findings as well as their work in progress. The conference is conducted in a friendly and supportive manner to enable students to share work, network, and make connections across disciplines and faculties.

The theme of the conference is "Sustainability in Action: From Vision to Implementation"

Call for Abstracts

Poster Instructions

The Middlesex research community is a diverse and multifaceted one and this event is a golden opportunity to showcase research that is innovative, high-quality, and contributes to a prosperous society that enriches everyone through a multiplicity of ways. A wide range of disciplines are represented in our research community (from computing, to art, design, healthcare, social sciences, psychology, law, to business and more!) and thus this conference provides fertile ground for discussions across and beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. All postgraduate research students should present at the conference. Early stage postgraduate students are especially encouraged to submit a poster or abstract so that they benefit from multiple perspectives on their work in progress.

The conference will take place at our Hendon campus in person on 17th June. To accommodate international and distance learning students the second day, 18th June, will take place exclusively online.

To encourage candidates at all stages of their study to share their work in progress, there are a range of formats:

  • Individual paper presentation
  • Poster presentation
  • Self-organised symposium
  • Performance
  • Video screening with commentary
  • Workshop
  • Exhibition

Abstract requirements

You should discuss your abstract with your supervisory team before submission, and it should meet the following requirements:

  1. The abstract should be between 200-350 words. A maximum of 350 words will be strictly observed. Any submissions exceeding the word limit will either be rejected or requested a revision.
  2. The required information should contain the following sections:
  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Type of contribution: (a) individual paper; (b) poster; (c) self-organised symposium; (d) performance; (e) video screening with commentary(f) workshop (g) exhibition
  • Names of supervisory team
  • Degree start date
  • Stage of research (e.g. registration/stage 1 review, transferred/stage 2 review, writing up if applicable)
  • Department
  • Indicate that the abstract has been reviewed and approved by your supervisory team
  • Indicate whether you wish to participate (a) on campus or (b) virtually (reasons for virtual presentation should be provided). Virtual presentation must be agreed by your supervisor and the conference chairs.
  • 5 keywords/subject areas
  • References

Depending on where you are with your research, consider organising your abstract in relation to the following:

  • Introduction to provide Issue or problem addressed and rationale for your research
  • Aim(s) of your research
    • Current practices
    • Your contribution
  • Research methods used or planned
  • Current or expected findings and contribution
  • How your research responds to the conference theme

Additional information


Researchers have the option to present their work within a self-organised symposium. This is an opportunity to connect with like-minded researchers and potentially present alongside your supervisor. Please follow the below requirements if submitting a self-organised symposium:

  • Write a brief description of the panel indicating how it addresses the conference theme (the submitting authors of the same panel can share the same description);
  • List all the participants on the panel (this should be 3 or 4 presenters);
  • Declare on your submission that the form of presentation is a symposium.

Advance preparation

Workshops as part of the Researcher Development Programme will be available prior to the conference. These sessions are intended to assist you with preparing your abstract, poster, and presentation. More information will be provided to you via email notifications and our website.

Submitting your abstract

In order to submit your abstract, you will need to register with the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT), which requires your name and university contact email.

Submission closes on Friday, 28 March 2025, 5 pm (UK time).

Your abstract will be reviewed, and you will be notified of the outcome, receive feedback, and follow-up instructions by email (to the account you used to register with CMT).

Key dates

  • Workshops offering support (March - abstract writing, April-May - presentation and poster guidance
  • Abstract Submission opens: now!
  • Abstract Submission closes: Monday, 28 March 2025, 5 pm (UK time)
  • Confirmation of acceptance: 28 April 2025
  • Conference: 17-18 June 2025

Looking forward to seeing you all at the conference and if you have any questions, please do contact the conference chairs or RDAT for more information.

Reserve your place at the PRSC 2025 Conference