External examiners: Induction

Generic and Programme

Generic and Programme Specific Induction

The aim of the External Examiners generic online induction is to provide you with information about the role of the external examiner at Middlesex University. We are aware that many external examiners have had considerable experience in assessing student work at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, however, university systems of assessment do vary from one institution to another. We ask that all new external examiners to our University should familiarise themselves with the online induction materials available. Upon appointment, you will be sent a link to access this online generic induction material. External examiners will be required to confirm they have completed the online induction. A small fee of £100 taxable, will be paid to external examiners on confirmation.

All external examiners will also receive a separate programme-specific induction provided by the programme team. At this induction, you will receive all the programme-specific information. You will have the opportunity to meet with your programme team and ask any questions relating to the specifics of the programme that you have been appointed to.

Inexperienced external examiners

External examiners without prior experience being external examiners have the option to complete a ‘shadow year’ and work alongside the currently appointed, external examiner. The shadowing external examiner must meet the University’s criteria for the appointment of external examiners. The shadow year will be an additional year to the main four-year contract.

Proposed external examiners without prior experience who are unable to complete the ‘shadow year’ should work for their first year of appointment with an experienced, currently appointed, external examiner, as a Mentee. The assigned Mentor must be an existing member of the external examining team and ideally be linked to a similar subject/programme, although this may not always be possible.

Professional Development Course for External Examiners

Middlesex are now offering the opportunity for all new, inexperienced external examiners to undertake the Advance HE Professional Development Course for external examiners.

AQS will pay for the two remote modes of the course, delivered as follows:

  • remote delivery (online preparation and two half-day workshops delivered on ZOOM)
  • fully online (online preparation and 6 weeks of synchronous and asynchronous activity on the Advance HE VLE)

Upon completion of the course, the EE will receive:

  • a certificate of completion (this will be replaced by a digital badge in due course)
  • an entry on the searchable list of certificated External Examiners on the Advance HE website
  • membership of the External Examiners’ Community of Practice on Connect

Useful Information

QAA - External Examining Principles

QAA - External Examining, Putting the Principles into Practice (PDF)

Contact us

Contact us

If you have any general enquiries regarding your External Examiner appointment or you would like to enquire about an external examiner vacancy at Middlesex University, email: externalexaminer@mdx.ac.uk.

If your query is related to Assessment Board information, email: assessmentofficers@mdx.ac.uk.

If you are an existing external examiner and you wish to change your contact details or personal information, please email: externalexaminer@mdx.ac.uk.

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