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Changing the culture

Educating, empowering and inspiring student engagement in transformative social justice projects in partnership with our local community.

Changing the Culture embodies the university’s role as an anchor institution in our local communities. Our work drives meaningful change at the University and beyond through student co-creation and collaborating with a network of community partners. 

We bring expertise in community engaged learning (CEL), campaign development, championing student voice, project management, and innovative problem-solving. 

We pride ourselves on being agile, reflective, and always pushing for better. We’re proud of the work we’ve done but we’re always looking for new ways to add value and make an impact. 

If you’re interested in collaborating with Changing the Culture, we’d love to hear from you.

Student co-creation space
Student co-creation

Empowering students as co-creators, leaders and role models to drive forward culture change at the University and in our local community.

Students are the driving force behind everything we do, from shaping ideas to delivering and evaluating projects. They are not just participants — they are catalysts for lasting culture change.

We empower students to engage with critical social justice issues, providing opportunities for them to become socially conscious citizens and changemakers not only at the University but also in their own communities.

By amplifying the student voice, we champion student-led campaigns and co-create learning resources that reflect and celebrate the rich diversity of our student body — helping ensure that every student feels seen, heard, and represented.

Civic Partnerships
Civic partnerships

Building collaborative partnerships within our local community to share knowledge, co-design initiatives and tackle social justice issues together.

We are committed to driving positive culture change by tackling social justice issues within the University and our local communities through collaboration and collective action. As an anchor institution, we strive to create a fairer, more inclusive society.

As a central hub for dialogue and partnership, we work with local organisations, local government, businesses, schools, FE colleges, and community groups. Together we deliver impactful projects that mobilise resources, expertise and networks.

By embedding civic participation into the student experience through community engaged learning (CEL), we connect students with community organisations, channelling their creativity, passion, and energy towards the needs of our communities.

Who are we?

Ben Serlin

Senior Safeguarding Project Manager

Helen Bendon

Interim Head of Film School