Experienced or witnessed a hate crime?
If you are a member of the public, please use this page to find out what to do if you’ve been affected by a hate crime and see how Middlesex University, as a member of the Barnet Network of Reporting Centres, can help you report the incident. This page will give you information about how Middlesex University, as a member of the Barnet Network of Reporting Centres, can help you report the incident.
Report and support
Speak up and get help
If you, or someone you know, has been affected by a hate crime, tell someone about it, talk to a family member or close friend.
Access specialist support
See a List of local hate crime support agencies offering practical and emotional support in the local area.
It’s important to let the right people know so they can help you keep safe and help prevent it from happening again. They can also help you if you wish to report the incident to the police.
Report it to the police
In an emergency, always call 999. If your call is not urgent, call 101. You can also report to the police online.
If, for any reason, you do not wish to speak directly to the police or visit a police station, you can report via True Vision, a national website which provides the option of online reporting as well as information and advice about hate crime.

Report to the website, app or social media platform
Most apps and websites have built in reporting features, or an email to enable you to contact the administrators to report online hate.
Report to the police via a third party
Report to any of the independent hate crime reporting centres run by voluntary organisations in Barnet.
Third Party Reporting Centres are organisations that have agreed to make reports to the police on behalf of victims who do not want to go directly to the police. This service is provided in addition to the organisations' core services.
Reporting to MDX
As a member of the Barnet Network of Reporting Centres, you can choose to report to Middlesex University via our online Report.It.To.Stop.It form.
You may choose to report to the University for a number of reasons:
- To make the University aware of a hate incident which may impact on students or/and staff at the University. Please note, if you wish to make a complaint relating to a staff member(s), student(s) or university practice, consult the University’s External Complaints Procedure
- To speak to someone about how to access support services in Barnet
- To be supported in reporting to the police, including speaking to someone to discuss whether reporting is right for you
- To provide information which can be shared with the Barnet Hate Crime co-ordinator to help better understand the prevalence of hate crimes and to inform future preventative work in Barnet.
Anonymously or with contact details
You can choose to provide your contact details or to report anonymously. If you choose to report anonymously, the University will not be able to contact you to provide further guidance.
However, the information you provide will still be of value, helping us to better understand incidents within the local borough of Barnet and what’s needed to better protect our community from future harm.
Confidentiality and information sharing
Throughout the reporting process, you will be treated with sensitivity and you won’t be expected to talk about anything which isn’t essential.
The upmost regard will be given to confidentiality at all times. However, please be aware that documents used in the reporting process could be requested by the police and in certain cases, University staff could be asked to give evidence in court.
The University will not share your personal details with any third party. However, the University will disclose the nature of the information you report to the Barnet Hate Crime co-ordinator to collate, for example, the number and type of incidents occurring in the Borough.
Note, individuals will not be identified when any information is shared.
Defining Hate Crime
Hate incidents are acts of violence or hostility directed against someone because of who they are or who someone else thinks they are. The term includes criminal offences (hate crimes) and noncriminal acts (hate incidents).
A hate incident can be a classified as a hate crime if it is carried out because of hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, transgender identity or sexual orientation.
Incidents motivated by other personal characteristics may not be classified as a hate crime under law though the police are still able to take action and prosecute.
You may be a victim of a hate crime if you’ve experienced any of the following:
- Verbal abuse, name-calling, offensive jokes and abusive gestures
- Bullying, spreading of rumours, gossip
- Malicious complaints, for example over parking, smells or noise
- Intimidation, threats of violence
- Physical attacks, such as hitting, punching, pushing or spitting
- Hoax calls, abusive phone calls or text messaging
- Harassment, sexual intimidation, stalking and hate mail
- Online abuse and trolling (posting inflammatory or inappropriate online messages or comments to upset and provoke responses from other internet users), spreading of hatred on social media
- Displaying or circulating discriminatory literature or posters
- Harm to property, such as your home, pet or car
- Vandalism of a place of worship or offensive graffiti in a public place.