Department of Nursing and Midwifery

Department of Adult, Child and Midwifery

As a department, we consistently strive for excellence, always placing the needs of our students first. This is achieved in courses and research that promote diversity and inclusiveness whilst valuing freedom of academic enquiry and professionalism.

Our primary aims are to:

  • deliver programmes, modules and study days of a high quality that meet the needs of students and all relevant stakeholders
  • work in collaboration to shape the current and future NHS and social care workforce
  • contribute to the improvement of population health and well-being through education, research and practice development
  • ensure that public protection and service user safety is paramount in all aspects of our work
  • develop and maintain robust partnership working.

We are currently involved in recruiting and preparing over 400 nurses and midwives for practice via a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The largest programme is Adult Pre-registration Nursing. We consistently have good evaluations from our commissioners and students, particularly around student support, and have close links with NHS providers in North London.

Department of Nursing and Midwifery courses

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