Dr Aboubaker Lasebae

Interim Head of Department -Computer Science

  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Computer Science

  • Location London

Research activities

My continuousresearch efforts in the fields of computer networks, security  and cyber security have resulted inpublications in ranked journals and presentations at conferences, significantlyenhancing the department and the faculty's academic reputation.

Current Teaching

I led programmes and taught Modules on all levels from foundations to Masters. Some of my teaching includes:

Networks Security, Network Management, Distributed systems, Mobile andWireless Networks, Computer Systemsand Networks, C++, Assembly, ComputerNetworks: Operation and Application,Digital Electronics, Engineering Process and Processors, Engineering Aspects of Processes and Processors, Introduction toComputer Systems and Networks, Powerelectronics, ElectromechanicalEngineering, Computer Aided Design Mechatronics, Compute and network security,Mobile and WirelessCommunications, Telecommunications Security,Security Architecture Engineering, Management Information Systems,Network Security, Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics,  MobileCommunication, Wireless LANs and Mobileapplications. I have providedguidance to numerous PhD students, overseeing the successful completion of 14PhD thesis, with 3 more currently in progress. In addition to this, I have beenactively involved in submitting funding proposals.


My teaching and research experience was in the fields ofComputer Communication, IP Mobile, Computer Networks and Security, Cybersecurity, Wireless Sensor Networks, Cyber Security, Project Management. Myteaching roles included visiting lecturing in Network Security at LoughboroughUniversity, Link tutor for MSA in Cario, Camerino University in Italy, RITI inCario, Egypt. 

I have held leadership roles in programmes development,Interim Head of Department  amongstothers. My hands-on experience in managing day-to-day operations of educationalprogrammes across multiple campuses and partner sites has equipped me with thenecessary skills to navigate diverse environments and address challengeseffectively.

I have extensive experience in as an external examiner atvarious institutions across the UK, alongside contributing to validation panelsboth nationally and globally. Additionally, I have fulfilled the role of a linktutor in Egypt, Malta, Italy and Cyprus overseeing and guaranteeing teachingquality and managing programmes operations in accordance with QAA procedures.Furthermore, my academic engagements encompass supervising and examining PhDtheses and publishing and reviewing journal and conference papers. I havepublished in the fields of Computer Communications, Mobile IPv6, networksecurity, WSNs, Telecommunication security.  
