Dr Alison Megeney

Deputy Dean of Education

Alison Megeney
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department School Leadership

  • Location London

Research activities

Alison's current interests include the development of learning environments that have a positive impact on students' mathematical learning, techniques that can be used in class to promote mathematical learning particularly of approaches and concepts, how building mathematical objects can promote learning and also help students build confidence to discuss mathematical ideas with a variety of people, and how objects or artefacts that embody a mathematical concept can be used to engage students and promote learning in class.

Current Teaching

STEM communication and engagementis one of Alison's areas of research and she teach mathematics communication amongstother areas including quantitative methods for business, probability andfinancial mathematics.


Dr Alison Megeney is the Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Science and Technology and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2018 by the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE) in recognition of the contribution she has made to learning and teaching within Middlesex University and nationally.

Alison is a senior member of the FacultyLeadership Team and takes  specific responsibility across the Faculty for studentexperience, continuation, completion and progression (graduate employabilityand further study); Faculty engagement with the Teaching Excellence Frameworkand Access & Participation Plan; the implementation of innovative learning,teaching and assessment practice; academic planning; income and financialcontribution; the development of new educational activity including partnershipprovision; and the maintenance of effective quality assurance and enhancementprocesses across the Faculty.

She is also a member of a cross-Universitynetwork of Deputy Deans and works across the MDX Global Family, working with Middlesex University's campuses and academic partners, students and student representatives, membersof the University Executive Team (UET) and professional services colleagues inareas such as Marketing, Strategy and Insight, Registry, Academic QualityService, Academic Partnerships and the Centre for Apprenticeships and Skills.
