AnthonyTurner is a Professor of Strength and Conditioning, and the PostgraduateResearch lead at the London Sport Institute, Middlesex University. Anthony haspublished over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and is anassociate editor for Strength and Conditioning Journal. Anthony has also editedfour textbooks including Advanced Strength and Conditioning, The Routledge Handbook of Strengthand Conditioning,and Strength and Conditioning for Football; he also recently sole authoredthe book The Fitness Formula.
Anthony has been a sport science consultantand S&C coach to numerous sports teams, Olympic and Paralympic athletes, andwas formerly head of physical preparation for GBR fencing for the Rio Olympic Gamescycle. Anthony is currently a consultant in human performance for the BritishMilitary, a physical performance coach for Tottenham Hotspur Women’s Academy,and is a recipient of the UKSCA coach of the year for education and research. Anthony’sYouTube, X, and Instagram handle is @anthonyturneruk.