Dr Britta Stordal
"Deputy Dean, Research and Knowledge Exchange"

School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
Department HSE School Leadership
Location London
Research activities
1)Lifestyle-related risk factors of breast cancer. In collaboration with BreastCancer UK I am conducting research into how providing women with information onbreast cancer risk factors alters their behaviour.
2)Public awareness of the symptoms and risk factors of ovarian and cervicalcancer. We are also looking at the awareness of cervical cancer and healthcareinequality in the LGBTQ+ population.
3)Public awareness of the symptoms of menopause. In collaboration with theMiddlesex Gender and Diversity Research Cluster we are also looking at theimpact of menopause in the workplace.
4)Biomarkers and mechanisms of platinum and taxane drug resistance in ovariancancer. We are validating a panel of novel gene expression biomarkers inovarian cancer cell lines and clinical samples.
Current Teaching
I lead a chemistry education outreach programme for primary school students in years 3-6. In the practical potions laboratory class chemical names arereplaced with Halloween themed names such as phoenix tears, snake venom andvampire blood. Students look for colour changes,precipitation and the formation of bubbles. Molymod are colour-coded, 3D educational models of atoms usedto build molecules. Students will build each build an ethylene monomer andbuild them into polyethylene and learn how this is how plastic is made.