Dr Camille Alexis-Garsee
Associate Professor of Health Psychology

School Faculty of Science and Technology
Department Psychology
Location London
Research activities
Health Psychology research interests:
Current Teaching
Co Chair of Psychology Research Ethics Committee
Programme Leader: MSc Clinical Health Psychology and Wellbeing
MSc Module Leader: Clinical Health Psychology: Perspectives, Practice and Placement
Advanced Dissertation in Psychology (PG Supervision)
BSc Module Leader: Health Psychology Applied to Behaviour Change
Advanced Research Methods (UG Dissertation Supervision)
Doctoral Supervision
Current students
Neelam Ghuman – An exploration of work-life balance and health behaviours in non traditional families.
Chineme Onyibuo - Exploring health-seeking behaviour among Nigerian migrants in the UK: Towards a culture-context and integrative model for enhanced quality of life. Awarded December 2016. First Supervisor
Masters Supervision
Supervised over 50 MSc student dissertations across six programmes in the past ten years (MSc Health Psychology, MSc Clinical Health Psychology and Wellbeing, MSc Applied Psychology and MSc Conversion, MSc Trauma and Intervention Studies) .