School Faculty of Science and Technology
Department Computer Science
Location London
Research activities
My interdisciplinary research combines philosophy, computerscience, neuroscience and psychology. My current project is a new universalmeasure of intelligence. Drawing on recent theories about the predictive brain,this will enable human, animal, and AI intelligence to be compared on a singlescale. It will also open up new ways of developing artificial intelligence andit has important implications for AI safety. I have published several papers onthis research and implemented experiments asa web page, which is available here: https://www.davidgamez.eu/pi.I am currently finishing a substantial paper on this work and have just startedwriting my next book on natural and artificial intelligence.
I am a leading expert on natural and artificialconsciousness and have published a book and many papers in this area. My current focusis the development of a new interpretation of the science of consciousness thatwill enable us to develop mathematical descriptions of the relationship betweendescriptions of consciousness and descriptions of the physical world. I am anexecutive editor of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousnessand co-organized a recent AAAI workshop in this area.
Current Teaching
I lead a module titled 'Web Applications and Databases' and supervise projects on artificial intelligence, including generative AI.