Dr Enas Newire, BSc, MSc, PhD,AFHEA, MRSB
Enas Newire is a molecular microbiologist focused on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Her research activities focus on AMR emergence and dissemination through Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) amongst bacteria; particularly, bacterial evolutionary studies, bacterial plasmid transfer and fitness studies, CRISPR-Cas systems identification, anti-plasmid activity and bioinformatic analysis of bacterial genome sequences. Enas evaluates new antimicrobials efficacy, resistance and spectrum of anti-plasmid activity. Enas is proud of having discovered a plasmid-borne CRISPR-Cas system (Type IV-A CRISPR-Cas) that target other resistance plasmids suggesting a role in inter-plasmid competition - publication: PMID 32903441. Enas also supervises research projects of postgraduate MSc degree students.
Enas received her BSc in Biology from the American University in Cairo (AUC), MSc in Infectious Diseases from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and PhD in Microbial Diseases from University College London (UCL) in 2018. After her PhD fellowship, Enas started her Post-Doctoral research at the University of Lincoln in 2019 before joining the University of Liverpool in 2020.
Enas has previously occupied teaching and research academic positions at UCL, University of Liverpool, University of Essex, AUC and the United States Naval Medical Research Unit-3 (US. NAMRU-3). She handled several molecular and microbiological typing projects and collaborated with lower and middle-income countries (LMIC).
- Principal research interests: Bacteriology/ Plasmids/ CRISPR-Cas/ Anti-plasmids novel approaches/ Bacterial genome bioinformatic analysis.
- Keywords: AMR, CRISPR-Cas, Anti-plasmid