Dr Ericka Rascon Ramirez

Associate Professor in Development Economics

Ericka Rascon Ramirez
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Accounting, Finance & Economics

  • Location London

Research activities

Behavioural, Family and Development Economics where I use statistical and econometric methods to answer policy relevant questions on child development (learning, heath and education) adolescent behaviour (sexual behaviour, early marriage and parenthood). I have extensive experience with observational studies, randomised control trials and lab experiments. 

Current Teaching

Department of Economics

Middlesex University, London UK.

2022-present: Introduction to Statistics (UG, Year 1), Module Leader.

2019-present: Advanced Econometrics (UG, Year 3), Module Leader.

2018-2022: Development Economics (UG,Year 3), Module Leader.

2015-2022: Experimental Economics, (PGT), Module Leader.

2015-2020: Intermediate Microeconomics (UG, Year 2), Module Leader.

2018-2019: Advanced Microeconomics (UG, Year 3), Module Leader.

2017: Econometrics (UG, Year 2), Module Leader.

University of Essex, Colchester UK.

2011-2013: Project in Economics (UG, Year 3), Module Leader.

2011:2012: Econometric Methods and Applications (UG, Year 2), GTA.

2011-2012: Introduction to Economics (UG,Year 1), GTA.

2011-2012: Econometric Methods and Applications, (PGT), GTA.

Department of Mathematics

University of Essex, Colchester UK.

2012-2013: Probability and Statistics I, GTA.

2011-2012: Probability and Statistics II, GTA.


ErickaG. Rascon Ramirez is an Associate Professor in Development Economics atMiddlesex University London. Prior to becoming an academic, she worked for theWorld Bank Group in Washington DC and for the Ministry of Social Development inMexico. Ericka designs interventions using economic and social psychologytheories, and evaluates them using advanced statistical methods. Her primaryfocus is on answering policy relevant questions on child development and youngpeople’s behaviour. She has led, designed, and evaluated interventions in thefield using randomised control trials that aim to improve children’s outcomes(schooling and learning in Nigeria) and young people’s behaviour (earlychildbearing and risky sexual behaviour in Malawi; usage of mobile banking inPeru). Ericka also works with political scientists and economists on the designand evaluation of online experiments that aim to improve civic education(Tunisia, Turkey and other countries), sexual awareness (Nigeria), gender gapsin the labour market (Spain and UK) and in prosocial behaviour (US). She hasalso led and designed various lab-in-the-field experiments to improvemeasurements of risk aversion, social norms, and expectations (Honduras,Nigeria, Spain). Her recent work has been published in the InternationalJournal of Forecasting, Economics Letters, Judgement and DecisionMaking, the American Journal ofPolitical Science and the Journal ofEconomic Psychology

External activities

  • Reviewer, ESRC research grant,
  • Reviewer, Nature,
  • Publications