Dr Lyubomira Gramcheva

Senior Lecturer in Law

Lyubomira Gramcheva
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Law and Social Sciences

  • Location London

Research activities

Lyubomira’s area of research lies at the intersection of the lawof contract, comparative law and law and economics. She is particularlyinterested in contractual remedies which was the subject of her doctoralthesis. She eschews, however, the one-size-fits-all approach of mainstream lawand economics and works on developing an innovative interdisciplinarymethodology joining New Institutional Economics and comparative law.

Lyubomira’s research has always been driven by her specialinterest in comparative law. She is involved in the Common Core of EuropeanPrivate Law Project (https://www.common-core.org/)and contributed to the "Contractual Remedies in Europe" sub-project.She has also contributed to several comparative legal guides to real estate andanti-piracy as well as participated in several comparative collaborativeprojects of INTA Non-Traditional Marks Committee.

Lyubomira has also developed a research interest in teaching andlearning, particularly in students’ engagement strategies and the developmentof students’ resilience. She has published on effective feedback and developingself-regulated learners. Currently, she leads a research project studying whether students improve their performance by using ChatGPT as well ashow they use it.

Research Interests:

  • Law of Contract
  • Comparative Law
  • Law and economics
  • Commercial Law
  • Law of the International Sale of Goods
  • Consumer Law
  • AI
  • Teaching and Learning

  • Current Teaching

    Dr Lyubomira Gramcheva currently teaches on the following modules:

  • Module Leader - Business Law
  • Module Tutor - Law of Contract.
  • Previously she has also taught English Commercial Law, Child and Family Law and Modern Issues in Legal Theory (PGR).


    Lyubomira Gramcheva is a Senior Lecturer in Law. She joined Middlesex University in 2019, having previously been a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham. She holds a doctorate in law from the European University Institute, Florence. Lyubomira has also been a visiting researcher at Columbia University, New York. She is a Fellow of Advance HE.

    Her area of research lies at the intersection of the law of contract, comparative law and law & economics. She is also interested in learning and teaching research.

    Before starting her academic career, Lyubomira worked as an attorney at the Sofia office of the international law firm “Schoenherr Rechtsanwaelte” GmbH where she made her way to the positions of Local Partner, Head of the Real Estate Practice Group and Head of the Intellectual Property Practice Group.
