Dr Mark McPherson

Associate Professor in Marketing

Mark McPherson
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism

  • Location London

Research activities

I am actively involved with academic research andknowledge transfer wherein my area of specialism, namely, ethnic smallbusinesses, second-generation ethnic entrepreneurship, Islamic marketing and,marketing to ethnic minority groups (including hard to reach groups). 

Current Teaching


Throughout my various roles as Director of Resources,Programme Leader, and Dept Teaching and Learning Lead; I have been responsiblefor the curriculum design, preparation, assessment (mapping module learningoutcomes with programme outcomes) and effective delivery of various Marketingand MBA programmes. Moreover, this involved (i) using scholarship in teachingand learning to inform best practice, so reflecting and supporting equality, diversity andinclusion; (ii) liaising with external professional bodies to enhancestudent employability via programme design; and (iii) using feedback, reflection,and professional development to improve overall quality and standards ofacademic programme provision, and to enhance the overall student experience.  Finally, I have taken part in numerousprogramme validation panels, and acted as external programme validations panelmember for various UK and overseas Universities.   


Didactic lecture, seminar, use of case studies, roleplay, show and tell, challenge the author, student-directed researchactivities, group presentations, discussion of video presentations, marketingsimulation games and, employer driven residential trips.


Case-study development by students, seen/unseen essayand/or case-based exam, Industry/company portfolio development, essay-basedassignment, industry-specific report-based assignment, part peer-assessed grouppresentation, developing a case-study narrative with specified questions andsuggested solutions, student centred reflective overviews and businesssimulation games. 


Throughout my employment with Middlesex UniversityBusiness School, I have taught on the Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG)Marketing Degree programmes, the MBA programme and, Chartered Institute ofMarketing (CIM) related modules at Middlesex University. Equally, I havesupervised UG and PG dissertation students, as well as PhD students, and workplacement students. I have completed all three stages of the MUBS PhDsupervisors training, which has involved me adopting various roles such 2 xChair for PhD viva voce examinations, as well as Internal Examiner for PhDregistration panels, transfer panels and PhD final submission/viva voce.  In addition, I have had three successful PhDcompletions, with a DProf student completed in Nov 2023. I have presented atvarious marketing, small business, doctoral and teaching conferences, roundtable events, special interest group seminars and workshops. Interestingly, in2006, whilst conducting a Senior Executive workshop in Karachi Pakistan, acolleague and I were invited to present a lecture on the subject of “Creating aSustainable Competitive Advantage Through eMarketing” to the MarketingAssociation of Pakistan.  
