Canadian award-winningSenior Lecturer (Associate Professor) of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability,with over a decade of global teaching experience and programme development atall levels of higher education, including at St Andrews, Prince Edward Islandand Middlesex universities. With a Senior Fellow teaching certification,doctorate in entrepreneurship from one of the UK’s top management schools (StAndrews), MBA and other relevant certifications, I am committed to advancingentrepreneurship pedagogy, community engagement and research rooted in microand small business exits, sustainability and survivability that have been recognisedin international outlets.
As afifth-generation entrepreneur, owning multiple businesses over 20 years with industryexperience in commercialisation, bridging academia-industry relationships andinterdisciplinary collaboration, my aim is to build more sustainablecommunities and opportunities for students, faculty and staff through strategicpartnerships, positive engagement and innovation. My practical approach to therealities of business ownership has been exemplified in my roles as Director ofthe Hostetter Centre, Visiting Researcher (Dublin City University), VisitingLecturer (University of St Andrews, University of Canada, South China NormalUniversity, TU Berlin) while being a team player and promoting positivity.