Dr Nick Kassouf

Technical Tutor Biomedical Science

Nick Kassouf
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Science & Engineering Labs

  • Location London

Research activities

My current research interests are melanoma/skin cancer biology, oral cancer biology, leukaemia biology, cell death/apoptosis pathways.

I currently am supervising one PhD researcher in her PhD project titled "The effectiveness of EZH2 inhibitors in treatingHuman papillomavirus associated cancers and associated pathways". I have supervised PhD students to completion of their PhD.

Current Teaching

I currently teach on the Biomedical Science BSc and MSc programme within the Middlesex University. I supervise BSc dissertation project students on their Dissertation module in their final year. I am an Academic Advisor for 2nd and 3rd year Biomedical Science students.


My role as Technical Tutor in Biomedical Science primarily encompasses teaching on BSc and MSc programmes within a laboratory setting. My students learn diagnostic tools to diagnose disorders such as blood disorders as well as research tools such as qPCR to detect the presence of HPV viruses in cancer cell lines. A wide range of cell and molecular biology techniques are taught and utilised within our extensive range of practicals such as RT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, ELISA and Spectrophotometry.


Title: PhD

Date: 01 Nov 2005

Institution: Queen Mary, University of London
