Dr Nicola Brunswick

Associate Professor in Psychology

Nicola Brunswick
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Psychology

  • Location London

Research activities

My research focuses on cognitive, behavioural and neuropsychological aspects of children's reading development, of skilled reading, and developmental dyslexia in children and adults, with a particular focus on academic and emotional outcomes for dyslexic students. I am also interested in the link between reading and musical expertise (in musicians and dancers), and between reading ability and visuo-spatial/drawing ability (in art/non-art students). I have conducted research using EEG, ERPs, fMRI and PET.

Current Teaching

I teach/lead the following modules:

  • Neuropsychology (Module leader)
  • Biological & cognitive psychology
  • Undergraduate dissertation supervision
  • Postgraduate dissertation supervision
  • MSc Applied Psychology (Program Leader)
  • MSc Cognitive & Clinical Neuroscience (Module leader for PSY4060 - Developmental neuroscience)

  • Biography

    I studied for my PhD in the psychophysiology of dyslexia at the University of Warwick. This was followed by post-doctoral positions as an E.U. Research Fellow at the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience (University College London), as a Research Scientist (external collaborator) at the MRC Cognitive Development Unit in London, and as a Research Psychologist in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (UCL Medical School).

    I have written/edited five books on reading and dyslexia, and I served for six years as a Trustee of the British Dyslexia Association. I am a current member of the British Psychological Society, the British Dyslexia Association, and the International Dyslexia Association; I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and the Higher Education Academy. I sit on the editorial boards of Dyslexia, and Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal.

    I am co-chair of the Psychology Research Ethics Committee, and a deputy chair of the University Research Ethics Committee.

    Research activities

    My research focuses on cognitive, behavioural and neuropsychological aspects of children's reading development, of skilled reading, and developmental dyslexia in children and adults, with a particular focus on academic and emotional outcomes for dyslexic students. I am also interested in the link between reading and musical expertise (in musicians and dancers), and between reading ability and visuo-spatial/drawing ability (in art/non-art students). I have conducted research using EEG, ERPs, fMRI and PET.

    Research Groups

    I chair the Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience Research Group (https://www.mdx.ac.uk/our-research/research-groups/cognitive-neurosc...), and I am a member of the Music Cognition and Communication Lab (https://mcclabmdx.com/) at Middlesex.


    Title: PhD in Cognitive Neuropsychology

    Notes: Title: 'Early Cognitive Neuropsychological Profiles and Development of Reading Skills'

    Institution: University of Warwick

    Title: Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education

    Institution: Middlesex University

    Title: Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing

    Institution: Real Training

    Title: Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A)

    Institution: Real Training

    Title: Included in the British Psychological Society's Register of Qualifications in Test Use

    Institution: BPS

    External activities

  • Conference organisation, , 2019
  • External examining, , 2015
  • External examining, , 2012
  • External examining, , 2011
  • External examining, ,
  • External examining, ,
  • Conference organisation, British Dyslexia Association,
  • Conference organisation, British Dyslexia Association,
  • Conference organisation, British Dyslexia Association,
  • Conference organjisation, British Dyslexia Association,
  • Publications