Dr Ruth Plume

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Health

Ruth Plume
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Natural Sciences

  • Location London

Current Teaching

I teach on modules on theBSc Environmental Health, BSc Public Health,MSc Environmental Health, BScOccupational Safety and Health Management (top up) and MSc Occupational Healthand Safety Wellbeing Management. My teaching areas include: public health strategy, dealing with environmental healthstressors, effective environmental health interventions, professionaldevelopment, leadership and occupational well-being.  I have developed excellence inteaching relating to the imaginative use of e-learning technologies, enrichingteaching by using real-life scenarios drawn from my professional experience andsupporting students to enhance their experience at Middlesex University. I am a Senior Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

 I supervise undergraduate, postgraduate andDoctoral student research projects in occupational safety and health/wellbeing and risk.

I am the research degree coordinator for Professional Doctorates in the Faculty of Science and Technology
