School Faculty of Science and Technology
Department Natural Sciences
Location London
Research activities
His academic research within the Flood Hazard Research Centre and on international research projects explores the role of both public and professional social contexts in decision-making, communication of flood risk with uncertainty and approaches to participatory interaction in flood risk and water management.
Current Teaching
MSc Module Leader:Factors affecting risk and strategic risk intervention (PRS4434), Sustainable Decision Making (PRS4560), Principles of health stressors (BIO1655) and Research Methods and Project Dissertation (PRS4499 / PRS 4489).
Contributions to Social researchmethods for modules:
Research Methods (PRS4799)
Research methods and project (PRS3999)
Research methods and project planning (BIO2005)
Approaches to experimental research (BIO2003)
Research methods and professional practice (BMS2007)
Supervisionrequests at the Doctorate level on relevant research topics are welcomed.
2023 - current: Supervisor PhD candidate Sam Serpooshan (Flood Risk Management)
2022 - current:Supervisor PhD candidate Arzoo Hassan (Flood Risk Management)
2022 -current:Supervisor DProf candidate Obinna Benjamin (Sustainable Waste Management:Construction & demolition)
DProf 2024: Supervisor (Awarded) Saeed Oluwadipe (Sustainable Waste Management: Household)
PhD 2020:Supervisor PhD (Awarded) Marlies Barendrecht. Socio-hydrological modelling ofthe human flood system. Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water ResourceManagement, Vienna.
PhD 2018: Directorof Studies. PhD (Awarded): Ali Alahmari 'The role of knowledge andinstitutional challenges to the adoption of sustainable drainage in SaudiArabia: Implications for sustainable environmental development'.
PhD 2016 SupervisorPhD (Awarded): Simrat Riyait 'I'm big your small I'm right your wrong. Theinfluence of gender and generation on migrant response to flood risk in England'