Dr Tim Evans

Professor in Business and Political Economy (Practice)

Tim Evans
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Strategy, Leadership & Operations

  • Location London

Research activities

  • Current areas of Research Interest:
  • Sociology and Nature of Money 
  • Future of Trade
  • Statecraft, Communications, and Digital Governance
  • Post-Communist Societies  
  • Publications I want to highlight:
  • ·       Tim Evans, History of British Information Warfare Organisations and their Lessons for in an Age of Digital Governance. Currently being finished; book expected to be published by Routledge (RAIDS) in 2026/7.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘Reflections from the Insight Out: What Libertopia tell us about the Nature of Markets in Trade’ in Free Trade in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Springer Books [To be published in 2025].

    ·       Elliott, A., Evans, T., Cohen, R., Watt, J., & Volante, M. (2022). ‘Was physical education as bad as people remember it? A qualitative thematic review’. THE SKY-International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (IJPESS), pp. 18-31.

    ·       Elliott, A., & Evans, T. (2022) ‘Is the answer to improved health hiding in plain sight?’, Integrated Care Journal. Published online: https://integratedcarejournal.com/newsdit-article/bf4d9f515e5b171faa9acca0c8050aba/is-the-answer-to-improved-health-hiding-in-plain-sight/ 22 February 2022.

    ·       Elliott A., Volante M., Evans T., Watt J., Cohen R., (2021) ‘Was PE as bad as people remember it?’ Conference paper - International Network of Sport and Health Science 17th Sport Specific Convention 1-3 Dec 2021, Budapest, Hungary.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘Rishi Sunak’s furloughing move balances firmness, fairness and timeliness,’ The Daily Telegraph, 29 May 2020.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘To futureproof the NHS, the government must turbo-charge innovation,’ The Daily Telegraph, 12 May 2020.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘It is too early to judge where Britain will end up on the global coronavirus league table,’ The Daily Telegraph, 1 May 2020.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘Germany’s post-war economic miracle shows how we can recover from coronavirus,’ The Daily Telegraph, 15 April 2020.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘Beyond coronavirus economics, our national security requires more out of the box thinking,’ The Daily Telegraph, 3 April 2020.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘In a crisis, government always mobilises the little ships of private enterprise,’ The Daily Telegraph, 20 March 2020.

    ·.      Tim Evans, ‘Navigating the 4th industrial revolution: A world of higher quality but lower cost healthcare’, Future Health Summit, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, July 10 2019.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘Government plastics ban destined to fail’, Comment Central, 8 January 2019.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘Oman shines the brightest of Middle Eastern lights for Global Britain’, Daily Telegraph, 20 April 2018.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘Saudi transformation offers UK rich pickings’, Comment Central, 3 August 2017.

    ·       Tim Evans, ‘The 21st century NHS revolution that will cure more for less’, City AM, 12 January 2016.

    ·       Tim Evans (2013) 'In Dence of a Free Market City: Time to Separate Banking and Money from the State?', In Defence of the City, Bretwalda Books.

    ·       Tim Evans, 'For-profit universities could deliver welcome change to higher education', City AM, 15 August 2013.

    ·       Tim Evans and Helen Evans (2005) 'Health 2055' in Towards A Liberal Utopia?, London, Institute of Economic Affairs.

    ·       Tim Evans, Alberto Mingardi, Cecile Philippe and Stephen Pollard, (2004) Towards Greater Partnership in Healthcare Funding: The Rise of Health Consumerism in British and Other European Healthcare Systems, Brussels, Centre for the New Europe.

    ·       Tim Evans, 'Lesson in sidestepping politics', The Australian, 19 January 2004

    ·       Tim Evans and Sean Gabb, (2004) The Costs of European Environmental Regulations in the Accession Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Brussels, Centre for the New Europe.

    ·       Tim Evans, Conservative Economics and Globalisation, The Political Quarterly, November 2004.

    ·       Tim Evans, Sean Gabb and Alberto Mingardi, (2004) From Antitrust to Disaster: An Overview of European Union Competition Policy, Brussels, Centre for the New Europe.

    ·       Tim Evans, 'Facing death by consensus, Germans lap up political sweeteners', The Australian, 29 September 2002.

    ·       Tim Evans (2002) 'Towards Greater Public Private Partnerships in Healthcare' in the Blue Book on Health: Radical Thinking on the Future of the NHS, edited by Edward Vaizey, London, Methuen/Politicos Publishing.

    ·       Tim Evans, 'Right man, right place', The Australian, 12 June 2002.

    ·       Tim Evans and Helen Evans, 'Back to the Future: Towards a Better State of Healthcare', Economic Affairs, April 2002.

    ·       Tim Evans, (1996) Conservative Radicalism: A Sociology of Conservative Youth Structures and Libertarianism 1970-1992, Oxford, Berghahn Books.

    ·       Tim Evans, 'Towards a Progressive Partnership with Independent Healthcare', Fabian Review Conference Edition, London, Fabian Society, Autumn 1996.

    ·       Tim Evans, In Praise of Post-Modernity: A Libertarian Perspective on the Contradictions of Conservative Euro-skepticism, Political Notes No.110., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1995.

    ·       Tim Evans, Socialism Without the State: the Re-emergence of Collective Self-Help, Political Notes No.99., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1994.

    ·       Tim Evans, 'The Selling of Cop Shop plc', The Guardian, 17 June 1993.

    ·       Tim Evans, (1993) Europe at Risk: Bureaucratic Betrayal of the European Ideal, London, Adam Smith Institute.

    ·       Tim Evans, (ed) (1991) An Arresting Idea: the Management of Police Services in Modern Britain, London, Adam Smith Institute.

    ·       Tim Evans, (1991) A Friend in Need: Based on the Ideas of Frank Field MP, London, Adam Smith Institute.

    ·       Tim Evans, Sociology, Crises, Contradictions and Capitalism: A Libertarian Critique, Sociological Notes No.7., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1990.

    ·       Tim Evans, Pop Music and Politics, Cultural Notes No.8., London, Libertarian Alliance, 1988.

    Current Teaching

  • Post-graduate supervision and teaching draws on expertise in:
  • Sociology
  • Sociological Theory
  • Political Sociology
  • Political Economy
  • Management, Organisations, and Leadership
  • Social Policy
  • Public Policy
  • History and provision of Health and Social Care
  • Production and Enforcement of Law: past, present and future

  • Biography

    Tim Evans is Professor in Business and Political Economy (Practice) at Middlesex University where he bridges inter-disciplinary doctoral supervision, teaching, and research with the worlds of thought leadership and impact across the media, public policy networks, and organisations spanning the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. Beyond the world of academic research, papers, and books, he is a regular commentator on television and radio and has published in The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, City AM, and Wall Street Journal Europe (to name but a few). In 2016, City AM ranked him as one of the UK’s ‘Top 75’ economic and public policy thinkers. His qualifications include an M.Sc., and a PhD in Sociology from the London School of Economics, an MBA from the Open University, and a NATO-sponsored Post-graduate Certificate in National Security from the Christian Albrecht’s Universität in Kiel, Germany.

    A former President and Director General of the Centre for the New Europe in Brussels (2002-2005), between 1993 and 2002, he was the Executive Director of Public Affairs at the Independent Healthcare Association in London where he oversaw the political affairs and external relations of the UK’s independent health and social care sector. At the time, the sector employed approximately 750,000 people and represented more than 3 percent of UK GDP. In this role he is widely credited as being the major driving force behind the ‘2000 NHS/Independent Sector Concordat’ which was described by the Financial Times as the most “historic deal in 50 years of British healthcare”. In charge of research and negotiated with Prime Minister Tony Blair, the deal enabled NHS funded patients to receive care and treatment for the first time in the country’s independent hospitals. In recognition of this, Tim was granted the Freedom of the City of London. By 2023, the deal was benefiting more than an estimated 1.6 million NHS patients each year. 

    In the early 1990s, Tim was the Head of the Slovak Prime Minister’s Policy Unit in Bratislava. He was also the Chief Economic and Political adviser to the Cabinet including four Deputy Prime Ministers. Helping more than 5.3 million citizens overcome years of authoritarian rule and poverty, he served as the most senior British adviser in the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. At the time, he was the only UK citizen in the region to be appointed as chief adviser to a head of government, or state. 

    Between 1994 and 1998, Tim served was a part-time Lecturer on the Strategic Command Course of the National Police Staff College at Bramshill where he taught the ‘The Economics and Politics of Policing: Past, Present and Future’. The Command Course was compulsory for senior police officers seeking membership of the Association of Police Chief Officers (APCO). In 1990, he was a part-time Lecturer teaching undergraduates Social Policy at what was then the City of London Polytechnic. In the late 1980s he was the Assistant Director of the Foundation for Defence Studies where he oversaw research and worked alongside the former Chief of the Defence Staff, Field Marshall, the Lord, Sir Edwin Bramall KG, GCB OBE MC JP DL.

    Prior to joining Middlesex University, he had worked alongside the leaderships of many of the world’s largest enterprises including Pfizer inc., Microsoft, and Merck Sharp and Dohme. In the UK, he had worked alongside the leaderships of Tyler Capital Ltd, SimplyHealth, Benenden Healthcare and many other organisations across the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. In civil society, his research and ideas have been published by some of the country’s leading public policy think tanks including the Fabian Society, DEMOS, Mutuo, Institute of Economic Affairs, Adam Smith Institute, and the Social Market Foundation. Continuing to publish papers, chapters, books, and articles, Tim also speaks regularly at conferences, seminars, and workshops both domestically and internationally. 
