Dr Zainab Kazim Ali

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics

Zainab Kazim Ali
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Design Engineering & Mathematics

  • Location London

Research activities

My primary research interestswere in Hausdorff and Box Dimension. I also conducted joint research and statistical analysis of World Bank Data relating to TheEconomics of Military Conflict in South Asia. 

In more recent years, my research interests have shifted to pedagogy and the role of Student Learning Assistants in Universities in particular. 

Current Teaching

Over the last 5 years or so, I have been involved in the teaching and Module Leaderships of the following modules:

* Mathematics for Science and Technology (Foundation)

* Foundation Mathematics (Foundation)

* Vectors and Matrices (1st year module)

* Quantitative Methods for Business (1st year module)

* Mathematical Analysis (2nd year module)

* Project Supervision (MSc module)

* Engaging with Mathematics Module (for Maths students across all year groups)

I also have several years of experience in Programme Leadership.


I have been teaching Mathematics and Statistics atuniversity level for over 20 years since completing my PhD in Mathematics atthe University of Manchester.  Myteaching experience extends to teaching students who are not only passionateabout studying Mathematics but also to teaching students who didn’t want tostudy Mathematics or who struggled with it. As a result, I make sure that my lectures are broken down into simplesteps to make them easy to understand. In 2019, I was nominated for a MDXSU Student Led Teaching Award bystudents for ‘Academic Staff Member of the Year – Business, Most InspiringTeacher and Outstanding Commitment to Employability’.
