School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
Department Mental Health & Social Work
Location London
Research activities
My interests are in Social Work Education with an emphasis on promoting the Social Work profession and giving a voice to mental health service users.
Current Teaching
Teaching across all MiddlesexUniversity undergraduate and postgraduate Social Work programmes
Modulestaught: Preparation for ProfessionalPractice (SWK 1023);Preparation for Professional Practice:Communication and Lifelong Learning Skills (SWK1024); Critical Approaches to Life CourseEpistemologies (SWK 4248 - Module Lead); Community Project (SWK1005); Social Work Knowledge & Application (SWK4407) andPractice Education Stage 1 (SWK4011 – Module Lead) and Professional Supervision (SWK4080 ModuleLead), Practice Education Stage 2 (SWK4421),Social Work Theory and Readiness for Direct Practice (SWK 4500 Module Lead), Social Work Theory (SWK2404 Module Lead), Masters Dissertation (IPL 4095 Module Lead)
As Module Lead (current)in:
Social Work Law and Application to Practice(SWK4501); Social Work Research Methods(SWK4504); Practice Placement module (SWK4502); Masters Dissertation (SWK 4720), and also forCPD courses for Best Interest Assessors(SWK4440) including Refreshers.
Current Teaching only (under/postgraduates): Social Work Theory (SWK2404); Social Work Law (SWK 2405 and SWK4900)
Masters Supervision:SWK4332 (2015 – 2020)x 20; IPL4095 (2018 to 2022/23) x 23 and currently SWK4720 (2023/24) x 3
Externally, I am an External Examiner at an English University.