Mr Rhys Miller

Associate Lecturer in Policing

  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Centre for Policing

  • Location London

Research activities

Rhys' current research interests revolve around exploring innovative ideas to tackling terrorism, and improving counter terrorism responses more generally.

Current Teaching

Rhys' current teaching responsibilities comprise of delivering all modules throughout the police constable degree apprenticeship to student officers. This includes, but is not limited to, modules such as; Operational Policing, Vulnerability, Reflective Practice Based Learning and Studying Criminology.

Rhys is currently responsible for two cohorts of student officers.


Rhys is part of the MDX policing team, delivering the BSc Professional Policing Practice degree programme to student officers as part of the PEQF. Prior to this Rhys was a police constable with Hampshire Constabluary, following his attainment of degrees in BSc Criminology with Psychology, and MA International Relations from the University of Portsmouth.
