Mr Tolga Girici

Hourly Academic

Tolga Girici
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Design Engineering & Mathematics

  • Location London

Research activities

5G/6G wireless communications, resource allocation, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and MIMO, drone base stations, reinforcement learning, joint radar and communications

Current Teaching

2023–24 academic year, 

1) Analogue Electronics (Undergraduate, 30 credits) 

2) Intelligent Environments and IoT (Postgraduate, 15 credits) 

3) Intelligent Sensing for Robotics (Postgraduate, 15 credits). 

2024–25 academic year

1) PDE3802 AI in Robotics (Undergraduate, 30 credits) 

2) MSO3255 Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Undergraduate, 30 credits) 

3) PDE4434 Intelligent Sensing for Robotics (Postgraduate, 15 credits)


Tolga Girici (Senior Member, IEEE) received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical andElectronics Engineering from Middle EastTechnical University, Türkiye, in 2000, and hisPh.D. degree in Electrical Engineering fromthe University of Maryland, College Park, MD,USA, in 2007. He was an intern at IntelligentAutomation Inc., MD, USA, in 2005. Between2006 and 2007, he was a student researcher atCollege Park Fujitsu Laboratories, MD, USA.From 2007 to 2024, he served as a professor in the Department ofElectrical and Electronic Engineering at TOBB University of Economicsand Technology, where he also chaired the department from 2016 to2024.He is currently on leave from TOBB University and is a lecturer atMiddlesex University, London, UK. Over his career, he has completedseveral research projects funded by the government and industry. Hehas published over 100 research articles in journals and conferences.His research interests include next-generation wireless communications,MIMO, aerial base stations, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, andintegrated sensing and communications. 


Title: PhD in Electrical Engineering

Date: 03 Oct 2007

Institution: University of Maryland

Title: BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Date: 10 Jun 2000

Institution: Middle East Technica University

Prizes and Awards

  • Best Paper Award, Smartnets 2023 Conference, 2023
  • Best Paper Award, WinCom 2023 Conference, 2023
  • Publications