Mrs Julia Wilson

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Health (Food Safety)

Julia Wilson
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Natural Sciences

  • Location London

Current Teaching

I currently teach on modules on the BSc Environmental Health, BSc Public Health, and MSc Environmental Health. My teaching areas include: food safety and standards, public health, environmental health stressors, and effective environmental health interventions.  I enrich my teaching, using real-life scenarios drawn from my professional experience. I enjoy supporting students to enhance their experience at Middlesex University. 

I supervise undergraduate and postgraduate student research projects in Environmental Health.


I am an experienced Chartered EnvironmentalHealth Practitioner with varied experience in education, local government, Public Health England (now UKHSA), the private sector, and abroad.  I am an enthusiasticand professional person who enjoys new challenges.  I have excellent interpersonal andcommunication skills and enjoy motivating others to succeed,particularly through teaching, mentoring, and training. 
