Mrs Mehnaz Hamilton

Associate Lecturer in Design Engineering

Mehnaz Hamilton
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Design Engineering & Mathematics

  • Location London

Current Teaching

Mehnaz currently teaches on the following programmes and modules:

  • MSc Mechatronics Systems Engineering
  • BEng Electronic Engineering
  • BEng Computer Systems Engineering
  • BEng Design Engineering
  • BEng Mechatronics and Robotics
  • Module Leader and Tutor: PDE4511 Digital Product Modelling and Visualisation
  • Module Leader and Tutor: PDE3422 Industrial Automation and Control
  • Module Leader and Tutor: PDE2803 Mechatronic Systems
  • Module Tutor: PDE1800 Design Engineering Projects 1
  • Module Tutor: PDE1110 Computing and Electronic Engineering Skills and Projects 1

  • Biography

    Associate Lecturer in the Design Engineering and Mathematics Department in the School of Science and Technology. 

    Mehnaz's career at Middlesex started after graduating at the university with a 1st Class Honours in BEng Design Engineering: Mechatronics in 2016. She then continued as a Graduate Academic Assistant in the Design Engineering and Mathematics Department. In 2018 she began the Associate Lecturer role which she currently undertakes while pursuing her MPhil/PHD.

    Areas of expertise include PLC programming, CAD and Digital Twin modelling


    Title: PCGE HE in Teaching and Supporting Learning

    Institution: Middlesex University

    Title: BEng Hons 1st, Design Engineering: Mechatronics

    Institution: Middlesex University

    Title: Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

    Institution: AdvanceHE
