Ms Firoozeh Ghaffari

Accounting & Finance Engagement

Firoozeh Ghaffari
  • School Faculty of Business and Law

  • Department Accounting, Finance & Economics

  • Location London

Research activities

Ethics in Accounting Education

Current Teaching

Financial Reporting


Firoozeh Ghaffari graduatedfrom University College London with a BSc and MSc in Economics. She is aqualified Chartered Accountant and a fellow of the Institute of CharteredAccountants in England and Wales.  Sheworked in practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers in London where she gainedexperience in auditing a wide range of blue chip UK industries. She laterworked for four years as group financial controller in Canada before returningto UK to join Middlesex University in 1996.

 Firoozeh is currently a seniormanager in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics at MiddlesexUniversity. Firoozeh served as the Head of the Accounting and FinanceDepartment in the Business School.  Shehas also served on a number of committees including the IndependentRemuneration Panel for Barnet Council where she was the Chair of the Committee.She was the Vice-Chair of Heads of Departments of Accounting and Finance in UK.She is currently Chair of members at Hendon School,  where she previously served as the Chair ofthe Governing Body of this multi-ethnic secondary school with 1500 students. Shealso Chaired the Finance Committee at Hendon School. Firoozeh also served onthe Governing  body of MiddlesexUniversity.

 Firoozeh teaching expertiseis in the area of Financial Reporting. She has published articles exploring therole of ethics in accounting education.
