Ms Tina Moore

SL in Work Based Learning & Adult Nursing

  • School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

  • Department Adult, Child & Midwifery

  • Location London


As well as being programme leader for the Advanced ClinicalPractitioner programme, I am the Primary and Social Care lead for the FoundationDegree (fdsc) Nursing Associate programme. I am involved in facilitating and supporting ‘hard to reach areas’ increating effective and good quality learning environments for the students on thisprogramme.  I also work very closely withthe designated practice assessors and lead nurses.

 I am currently involved in the Collaborative OnlineInternational Learning (COIL) facilitating the learning between our MiddlesexUniversity students and students from 3 other countries.

 My main teaching interests are as follows: Acute AdultCare (assessing the acutely ill adult and caring for the acutely ill adult),caring for adults with complex care needs, High Dependency Care and Advanced ClinicalPractice. I have published several articles, book chapters, and books on thesetopics.

My primary concerns of research are associated with theapplication of learning through clinical practice. This involves an integrationof knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward caring for patients in a variety ofclinical settings. I have conducted research concerning Viva Voce and ObjectiveStructured Clinical Examination (OSCE). I have also presented at conferences on these two topics.  Currently, my PhD involves the examination ofthe concept of critical thinking in clinical practice from a qualified nursingperspective. 
