Mynursing journey began in Coventry, where I qualified as a nurse in 1987 and asa midwife in 1997. Maintaining my dual registration, I have enjoyed a long andvaried career. As a nurse, I worked on cardiac, general medical, and surgicalwards, with my greatest pleasure being my time on a renal transplant ward.Research shows that working in specialised units like renal transplant wardscan significantly enhance a nurse's clinical skills and patient care outcomes.As a midwife, I have worked in both high-risk and low-risk centres and wasfortunate to set up and run my own midwifery practice as an independent midwifefor over ten years. I also served as a supervisor of midwives for many years, arole I thoroughly enjoyed. Studies indicate that midwives who engage inindependent practice often report higher job satisfaction and autonomy.
My pathinto academia started in 2015 when I became a clinical tutor for midwifery atKing's College London (KCL). During my time there, statutory midwiferysupervision was replaced by the A-EQUIP model, and KCL was one of the leadingpilot sites for this new model. I was instrumental in the planning,development, and delivery of the course. The A-EQUIP model has been shown toimprove midwifery supervision by providing a more supportive and developmentalapproach.
Beforethe first COVID-19 lockdown, I played a key role in mapping clinical skills forthe revalidation of the KCL midwifery curriculum, which was granted just beforethe lockdown. In my previous employment, I performed the following roles:
Module lead for the Foundation of Midwifery Practice Extensive teaching on the BSc Midwifery and BSc Midwifery (short) programmes Interviewing prospective nursing and midwifery students Developing scenarios for OSCEs/Vivas and assignments Organising and marking OSCEs/Vivas Marking midwifery assignments at levels 4, 5, and 6 Serving as a personal tutor for students Acting as an academic assessor Organising, coordinating, and leading mock interviews for year 3 students to experience being in front of a panel and performing OSCE-style skills
As anacademic professional, I am dedicated to excellence in learning and teaching,research, professional practice, and leadership. My teaching philosophy isgrounded in constructivist and cognitivist theories, emphasising activelearning and the development of critical thinking skills. Research supportsthat active learning strategies significantly improve student engagement andlearning outcomes. I design my sessions to be student-centred, incorporatingvarious teaching methods such as problem-based learning, simulations, andcollaborative working. These methods are supported by the ASPiH standards forsimulation-based education, which advocate for using realistic scenarios toenhance learning outcomes.
In myprofessional practice, I strive to bridge the gap between academia andprofessional practice by using high-fidelity simulation to create realisticclinical scenarios. Simulation and skills are where my passion and enthusiasmlie. High-fidelity simulations have been shown to improve clinicaldecision-making and teamwork skills. As an external examiner for the Universityof the West of England, I ensure academic standards are upheld and processeshave been followed ensuring students receive high-quality education.
Outsideof work, I have completed four years as a school governor, where I gainedinsight into holding people to account and advocating for students. I have beencommended by the head teacher on many occasions for my input on inclusivity andmy questioning. I enjoy spending time with my family and being in nature. Ihave a passion for creativity, which I express through making jewellery,baking, and creating perfumes and colognes. Engaging in creative activities hasbeen linked to reduced stress and improved mental well-being. I find joy inthese activities as they allow me to unwind and explore my artistic side.Additionally, I love exploring new trails, which helps me stay active andconnected to the natural world. My family and I enjoy our weekend adventures,discovering new places and creating cherished memories together.
Title: MA Clinical Education
Institution: King's College London
Title: PGCE
Institution: King's College London
Title: Postgraduate Diploma Health Care Ethics
Institution: King's College London
Title: City and Guilds Further and Adult Teaching Certificate
Institution: Coventry Technical College
Title: BSc Hons Health Science|
Institution: Coventry University