School Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
Department Mental Health & Social Work
Location London
Research activities
Research interests include drug and alcohol policy and practice issues and the cultural uses of alcohol/ drugs; mental health and substance use. Currently, specific emphasis on - young people and substance use; substance use and BAME groups, drug-related deaths. My social science background is a good basis for working with social workers and nurses. Currently collaborating on a new NIHR application 'The impact of Simulation Training on Skills, Staff Wellbeing, Retention and Quality of Care among Adult Social Care Staff’. I am predominantly a qualitative researcher.
Current/ recent research projects:
· Thom B. (joint lead Fiona Spargo-Mabbs DSMF; co-applicants: Karen Duke and Camille Alexis- Garsee) Developing and evaluating a multi-component drug education programme Phase 1,Funded NIHR. Phase 2 application submitted)
· Thom B. (co-applicant; CGL lead; with Karen Duke) Evaluating CGL's Derbyshire 1625 service's impact on reducing demand for drugs amongst young people and young adults (aged 16-25) and improving wider health and social outcomes: a multi-stakeholder preparatory project. Phase 1, Funded NIHR.
· Thom B. (joint PI with Trish Hafford-Letchfield, Strathclyde University) Review of university student drug use. Funded UNITE and UUK, 2022.
· Thom B. (co-applicant), O’Gorman A. (PI, Univ. West of Scotland); Whittaker A. (Stirling Univ.); Munro A. (Dundee Univ.); Mercer S. (Edinburgh Univ.); Robertson R. (Edinburgh Univ.); Mohan A. (Dundee Univ). Understanding the Role and Potential of Primary Care in the Prevention of Drug Deaths post COVID-19. Funded: Drug Deaths Task Force, Scottish Government 2020-2021.
Thom B. (PI with Karen Duke) 3rd. EU Health programme (CHAFEA). EPPIC: Exchanging Prevention practices on Polydrug use among youth in Criminal justice systems. 2017- 2020. Middlesex project co-ordinator
Current Teaching
Currently supervising eight doctoral students across social work and nursing and thirteen master students. Teaching on research methods to post-graduate students (NIP2802, NSA4050, WBH4760).