Prof Richard Bayford

Professor of Biophysics & Engineering

Richard Bayford
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Natural Sciences

  • Location London

Research activities

His expertise is biomedical imaging, Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), Image recognition algorithms, bio-modelling, nanotechnology, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), biosensors and VLSI design. 


Current Teaching

Module leader BMS4177

Also, teaching on BMS3986, BMS3336, BMS4997, BMS2665, BMS4227, BMS4237, BIO2514



Head of Biophysics at the Middlesex University Centre for Investigative Oncology, Head of the Biophysics/Engineering group, Professor of Biophysics and Engineering, Middlesex University and visiting professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College London. Bayford’s expertise is in biomedical imaging, bio-modelling, electrical impedance tomography (EIT), nanotechnology, deep brain stimulation, tele-medical systems, instrumentation and biosensors. He pioneered the first reconstruction algorithm to image impedance changes inside the human head. He has worked as PI on many EPSRC, EU and industrial sponsored research projects.

He has a broad research interest covering the areas of the development of bio-models, novel algorithms and instrumentation to image impedance changes in the human head and neonate lung function, development of new multimodality instrumentation for Nanoparticles imaging and therapy, deep brain stimulation, modelling, medical signal processing, tele-medical systems, novel sensors on silicon for bio-medical applications and lab-on-a-chip for bio-makers. He has published over 300+ journal papers in the above research fields, served as the programme committee member for many international journals and conferences, and supervised over 20 PhD students. From 2008 to 2013 RB served as the editor-in-chief for Physiological Measurement journal. He attracted over £13M funding in brain imaging and biophysical measurement technologies from EPSRC, BBSRC and other funding agencies. He was awarded an H2020 grant as coordinator for 5.5MEuros . He was awarded at EPSRC Bright ideas project and recently EPSRC PNEUMCRIT (£1.8M). He has been guest editor on three special issues and co-organizer of three conferences on biomedical applications of EIT. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the IoP Physiological Measurements journal, is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Served as chairs for the Publication committee for IPEM and EFOMP Vice Chair publication and communication.
