Learning and Quality Enhancement Handbook (LQEH)

Academic Quality Service: academic quality experts collaborating with colleagues to ensure the University delivers a high quality experience for all students and that qualifications awarded are recognised as world class.

The academic quality and standards of Middlesex qualifications are governed by our Academic Regulations and quality assured via our policies and processes contained within our Learning and Quality Enhancement Handbook (LQEH).

Middlesex University is committed to ensuring that students have a high quality learning experience, and that the standards of qualifications are set at appropriate levels. The student experience and positive student outcomes are supported via enhancement activities at Institutional, Faculty and Department level.

This section provides an overview to the University’s approach to quality assurance and enhancement, the University structures which support it, and their specific roles.

Learning and Quality Handbook

The academic quality and standards of Middlesex qualifications are governed by our Academic Regulations and quality assured via our policies and processes contained within our Learning and Quality Enhancement Handbook (LQEH).

Middlesex University is committed to ensuring that students have a high quality learning experience, and that the standards of qualifications are set at appropriate levels. The student experience and positive student outcomes are supported via enhancement activities at Institutional, Faculty and Department level.

This section provides an overview to the University’s approach to quality assurance and enhancement, the University structures which support it, and their specific roles.

Section 1- An overview of quality assurance and enhancement activity at Middlesex University

Guidance 1(i) Local Academic Committees (for faculties and other areas that deliver academic provision)

Section 3 Programme validation review and modifications

Guidance-3i The purpose of programme validation and programme review


Guidance 3iii-Documentation for a validation or review event

Guidance-3iv Validation and Review Guidance for Distance Education

Guidance-3v Roles and responsibilities of Panel Members

Guidance-3vi Student involvement in validation and review events

Guidance-3vii Equality, Diversity and inclusivity in the curriculum (Inclusive curriculum)

Guidance-3viii External Assessors – Criteria for Appointment and Fee Information

Guidance-3ix A guide for apprenticeship validation panels

Guidance-3x Guidance for External Assessors when considering the validation of a programme at an overseas campus

Guidance-3xi Guidance for External Assessors when considering the validation of a programme by Faculty Committee

Guidance 3xii Programme Leader

Guidance-3xiii Writing a programme specification

Guidance 3xiv 2031 Learning Framework Operationalising the Principles for Undergraduate Programmes

Guidance-3xv 2031 Learning Framework Operationalising the Principles: for Postgraduate Taught Programmes

Guidance-3xvi Ethics in the curriculum

Guidance-3xvii Research Ethics

Guidance 3xviii Writing a module narrative

Guidance 3xix Designing a module reading list for in-house, franchised & joint programmes

Guidance-3xx Designing a module reading list for validated programmes

Guidance 3xxi Guidance for the Design of Distance Education

Guidance-3xxii Academic Advising

Guidance 3xxiii 2031 Learning Framework Operationalising the Principles for Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Programmes

Guidance 3xxiv Procedure for mapping a new or existing Middlesex University programme to an apprenticeship standard

Guidance-3xxv Non-Credit Bearing Courses (NCBCs)

Guidance-3xxvi Making changes to published information

Guidance 3xxvii - Glossary of 2031 Learning Framework Terms

Appendix 3a Officer paper

Appendix 3b Overview document template

Appendix 3c Critical Review Document

Appendix 3d (In-house) Validation / Review report template

Appendix 3da (Full) Validation Review report template

Appendix 3e Confirmation of a validation or review

Appendix 3f Programme Specification

Appendix 3g External Assessor Appointment Form

Appendix 3h - no longer in use

Appendix 3i Resource Statement for a programme to be delivered at an overseas campus or partner site

Appendix 3j Apprenticeships standard mapping document

Appendix 3k - Programme Adjustment Form

Appendix 3l New module / module narrative template

Appendix 3m Programme handbook – in-house PG

Appendix 3m Programme handbook – in-house UG

Appendix 3n Programme handbook – Franchised

Appendix 3o Programme handbook – Joint

Appendix 3p Programme handbook – Validated

Appendix 3q Programme assessment schedule

Appendix 3r Programme change form

Appendix 3s Module change form

Appendix 3t- No longer in use

Appendix 3y Programme Team DE module validation sign off form

External Examiners (EEs) are central to Middlesex University’s quality assurance and enhancement procedures. All programmes/modules will have an external examiner allocated to them; this includes in-house, campus, partner provision and applies to all FHEQ Levels. The External Examiner Team based within the Academic Quality Service (AQS) has overall responsibility and oversight of the external examining process.

LQEH Section 4 provides an overview of the external examiner process in the University. This outlines the processes for the nomination, appointment, induction and right to work of EEs for in-house, campus and collaborative partner provision.

Guidance documents 4i, 4iii, 4 iv and 4 v provide guidance and support for those completing the nomination form for new external examiners. 4ii gives guidance on the information that should be sent to the new EE. Guidance 4vi gives guidance on the Assessment Conversation for Equity and Enhancement (ACEE) and Guidance vii provides guidance on the student sample to be reviewed by the EE.

Appendices: Appendix 4a is the template to use for the nomination of a new external examiner. Appendix 4, b, d, e, f are the external examiner annual report templates that should be completed as appropriate. These are for use by both in-house EEs and collaborative partner EEs. Appendix C is a suggested meeting guide form for ACEE meetings with EEs.

Section 4 External Examiners

Guidance 4i Criteria for appointment of External Examiners

Guidance 4ii Checklist of documentation to go to External Examiner

Guidance 4iii Approval of external examiners for Collaborative partners who do not meet criterion relating to UK Higher Education experience

Guidance 4iv Roles and responsibilities of a Chief External Examiner (CEE) for Collaborative Partners

Guidance-4v Arrangements for the Shadowing and Mentoring of External Examiners

Guidance 4vii Student sample for review by External Examiner (EE)

Guidance-4vii Student sample for review by EE

Section 4 External Examiners

Appendix 4a-In Middlesex University External Examiner Nomination Form – Taught Provision 2024/2025

Appendix 4b- External Examiners’ annual report template (Programme Assessment Board)

Appendix 4c : Assessment Conversation for Equity and Enhancement (ACEE) – Meeting record (Suggested Guide Form)

Appendix 4d External Examiner Report – Attendance at additional Programme Boards

Appendix 4e Chief External Examiners report

Appendix 4f- External Assessor’s Annual Report form

Appendix 4g- Assessment Submission Form 2024-25

Appendix 4h Moderation Form Student Assessed Work

Middlesex University programmes may also be accredited or recognised by a range of Professional, Statutory and/or Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs).  This section outlines the responsibilities and procedure for accreditation events, reviews, and reporting outcomes to maintain the central register. Oversight of all PSRB accreditations is maintained by the Assurance committee.

Section 6 – Professional, statutory and or regulatory bodies

Educational Monitoring and Enhancement (EME) is the process for monitoring and assuring the quality of your provision and the student experience.

EME is the analysis and reflection of appropriate data and key internal, and external stakeholder input (admissions/ enrolment, student continuation and achievement, cohort demographic characteristics, graduate destinations, student satisfaction, external examiners and student feedback). EME is applicable for all taught provision (at Hendon and overseas campuses) and collaborative partner provision. Collaborative Partners must complete Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Reports (EMERs) on an annual basis

EME activity is owned by each faculty/ department/ school and is reported into the Faculty Quality Committees and the University Teaching and Learning Committee. AQS oversee the management and operation of the process and provide guidance as appropriate.

The main LQEH section 7 provides an overview of the operation of the EME and Collaborative Partner EME process. This outlines the purpose and format of EME and indicates the different stages, the timescales and deadlines for the process.

Guidance documents 7i, 7ii, 7iii and 7iv provide guidance and support for collaborative partners completing the EMER document and EME. This includes detail on how to complete the report, what evidence to consider to create appropriate actions, and an example of a completed EMER.

Template documents: There is a ‘standard’ EMER template which is circulated to each collaborative partner, as well as different templates for partnerships that are closing.

Section 7 Educational Monitoring and Enhancement

Guidance 7i Writing Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Reports – Support for authors

Guidance 7ii Considering Data and Evidence

Guidance 7iii Example Completed Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Report

Guidance 7iv - Evidence Sources for Educational Monitoring and Enhancement

Appendix 7a Collaborative Validated Partner Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Report Template

Appendix 7b Collaborative Franchised / Joint Partner Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Report Template

Appendix 7c Collaborative Partner Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Report template - for Collaborative partners which are closing

To ensure the quality of the student learning experience the University may carry out internal audits and reviews on an ad hoc basis, as required by the Assurance Committee. These internal audits may be carried out in the response to normal review processes identifying the need for additional scrutiny or to specific concerns raised internally or externally.

Concerns about academic quality and standards can also be raised outside of the normal processes for oversight and monitoring.

This section details the processes for internal audits and reviews (including the use and selection of External Assessors), and raising a concern regarding quality and standards.

Section 8 Raising concerns and Internal Audits

Appendix 8a - Raising a concern regarding quality and standards

Middlesex University is committed to enhancing the experience of students across our Global community.

It is important that opportunities are provided for our students to be involved in quality assurance and enhancement processes. We aim to strengthen our student voice processes and co-leadership as an approach across our global Middlesex community.

Section 9 provides details of the main mechanisms for student engagement in quality assurance and enhancement, covering student surveys and representation, and the requirements and expectations for Hendon, Overseas Campuses and Collaborative partners.

Section 9 - Student Engagement in Quality Assurance and Enhancement

Section 9a Student representation

Section 9b Student surveys

Section 9c Student Engagement for Collaborative Partners

Appendix 9a Student Voice Leader role descriptor

Appendix 9b Programme Voice Group Operational procedures

Appendix 9c Principles of Student Voice in the Student Voice Cycle

Appendix 9d Programme Voice Group TOR and membership 2023-24

Appendix 9e Programme Voice Group Chair role descriptor

Appendix 9f Programme Voice Group Officer role descriptor

Appendix 9g Programme Voice Group Code of conduct

Appendix 9h Student Voice Leader Code of conduct

Appendix 9i Guide for hosting online / virtual meetings

Appendix 9j Student Surveys operational procedures

Template 9i Programme Voice Group Draft agenda

Template 9ii Programme Voice Group Minutes template

Middlesex University has a responsibility to ensure that our collaborative partners are aware of their obligations when promoting and marketing programmes that are awarded by the University.

This section details the processes and various approvals required by the collaborative partner from the University before marketing and promotion may commence. We expect full compliance with all requirements of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), this is also detailed within this section.

Section 12 - Publicity and Marketing

Middlesex University has campuses in London (Hendon), Dubai and Mauritius. As a global institution the University continually considers the opportunities for further overseas campuses and has a robust process for setting them up as detailed in this section.

Provision at overseas campuses must meet all the same requirements for quality assurance and enhancement as they do for our Hendon campuses. Students who study at any of our campuses can expect an equivalent high quality learning experience and to gain a UK qualification which is recognised globally.

The main LQEH section 13 provides an overview of the process for setting up a new campus from the proposal needing to be submitted the University Executive and Board of Governors, through to the approval of programmes and student facilities, as well as the ongoing quality arrangements once the campus is established.

Guidance documents 13(i) and 13 (ii), provide guidance and support for the management of academic programmes and quality assurance and enhancement arrangements for overseas campuses.

Section 13 - Opening new Middlesex University overseas campuses

Guidance 13i Guidelines for working with Middlesex University Overseas campuses (Academic Programmes)

Guidance 13ii Review of the implementation of quality assurance and enhancement

Middlesex University is able to recognise learning a student has taken with another organisation and count that towards one of its awards. This recognition can be of formal credit achieved with another higher education provider (UK or internationally), regulated qualifications such as those overseen by Ofqual and learning through the workplace.

The University uses its academic credit framework to evaluate and quantify such learning in terms of credit points at a particular level.

Section 14 Accreditation of academic credit

Appendix 14a RPL Assessment plan template

Appendix14b Accreditation initial approval information form

Appendix14c Accreditation proposal form

Appendix14d Accreditation proposal assessment form

Appendix 14e Re-accreditation initial approval form

Appendix 14f Re-accreditation proposal form

Appendix 14g Re-accreditation proposal assessment form

Appendix 14h no longer in use

Appendix 14i Annual Monitoring Report

Appendix 14j Accreditation handbook

The Discover Uni Record is a comparable set of standardised information about undergraduate programmes. It is designed to aid prospective students in making their Higher Education choices and is published across the Discover Uni and provider websites. Middlesex University is required to submit Discover Uni data records to HESA via their submission system. Section 16 outlines the information required and the process used at Middlesex University for collecting the data.

Section 16 - Discover Uni guidance for staff

Appendix 16a - Teaching & Learning Definitions

Appendix 16b-Definitions of assessment methods

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