Our priorities
Corporate and business plans and quality information which includes strategies, plans, performance indicators and other information setting out our planned or reporting on our actual performance.
Examples of published information
- Corporate Plan 2009-2014
- Strategy for Enhancing Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Quality assurance documents
External Examiners' Induction Information
Examples of published information
For information relating to the University's annual monitoring and review process, including statements of roles, responsibilities and the authority of different University bodies involved in programme approval and review, please see the QA documents section for information, referring in the first instance to the:
QA Handbook
University Regulations
Please go to Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for information about performance indicators (including non-continuation and widening participation rates), results and demographic profile of our student body.
External review information is available on the following external sites:
Outcomes of the Funding Councils' Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008
For all other information in this category please contact the Publication Scheme co-ordinator.
Corporate relationships
Links with employers and development of learning programmes.
Scholarships and bursaries (including those from local employers)