Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
Welcome to the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
We offer exciting and wide-ranging undergraduate and postgraduate courses in education and teaching, health and social work based on foundations of excellent scholarship, research and practice-based learning. Working in partnership is fundamental to everything that we do in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education; we could not achieve the things we do if we worked in isolation. Our aim is to support our students, staff and partners to achieve their full potential and, in so doing, make a difference in the world.
With an innovative approach to developing highly-skilled professionals, we're able to transform people's lives through their work in education, interpreting and translation, nursing, midwifery, mental health, social work and integrative medicine. Partnering with a variety of schools, education settings, charitable, private and public sector organisations, we have a history of pioneering excellence that is recognised worldwide.
Explore our departments
Explore our research studies
Our global research and knowledge exchange network works towards a brighter future for people around the world. Find out about what we do:
- Research Centre for Transcultural Studies in Health
- Centre for Critical Research in Nursing and Midwifery
- Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
- Work and Learning Research Centre
- Centre for Education Research and Scholarship (CERS)