Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT)

A Middlesex University programme and qualification, designed, assessed and quality assured by Middlesex but delivered at and by the Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT).

ACBT has been a pioneer in Higher Education in Sri Lanka since 1998, and partnered by world renowned Navitas group of Australia. ACBT is a registered company under the Companies Act and Board of Investment (BOI). The vision of ACBT is “To be the first-choice provider for post-secondary education for students in Sri Lanka” which is enabled by delivering a range of internationally well-recognized collaborative study programmes whilst investing in excellence in teaching and training to fulfil students’ academic and career goals. ACBT is a fast growing higher education institution in the country that has already spread over three provinces of the country in order to provide equal opportunity to experience quality education at an affordable price. ACBT Colombo Campus is located in Colombo, Western Province. ACBT Kandy Campus is located in Kandy, Central Province and ACBT Galle Campus is located in Galle, Southern Province of Sri Lanka.

ACBT offers a range of Undergraduate and Postgraduate qualifications in association with Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia. ACBT also offers a wide range of University Foundation Programs (UFP's), accredited Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas through Edith Cowan College. Furthermore, ACBT in conjunction with Pearson Education Ltd awards BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business and Computing.

Courses available
BA Honours Business Management (Finance) (Top Up) (franchise)
BA Honours International Business Administration (Top Up) (franchise, under review)
BSc Honours Information Technology and Business Information Systems (Top Up) (franchise)
BA Honours Business Management (Finance) (franchise)
BA Honours Business Management (Marketing) (Top up) (franchise)
BSc Honours Information Systems (franchise, phasing out)
BSc Honours Business Computing and Data Analytics (franchise)
BSc Honours Information Technology (franchise)

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