Hong Kong Metropolitan University
A Middlesex University course and qualification, designed, assessed and quality assured by Middlesex but delivered at and by a partner.
Established by the Government in 1989 as The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) and renamed as Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) in 2021, HKMU today is a full-fledged university with about 10,000 full-time undergraduates, 1,900 postgraduates and 8,700 part-time students. It offers a range of around 220 programmes, covering distance, blended, and face-to-face learning, as well as full-time and part-time modes of study, and provides students with flexible learning pathways. The University is committed to advancing learning, knowledge and research that meet students’ learning aspirations; and offering innovative, practical and professional programmes to meet the changing needs of Hong Kong.
Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) was established in June 1992. Being one of the seven Schools, LiPACE is the professional and continuing education arm of the HKMU. As expressed in its motto “Advancing VPET and Lifelong Learning for All”, LiPACE performs complementary but vital roles in fulfilling the University’s founding mission of serving the broadest range of learners in Hong Kong. LiPACE is now an established Vocational Professional Education and Training (VPET) provider of full-time post-secondary education and part-time professional and continuing education as well as corporate training. At the same time, it advances non-formal learning through its two flagship programmes for women and senior learners, the Capacity Building Mileage Programme (CBMP) and the Elder Academy at Hong Kong Metropolitan University (EAMU). LiPACE provides quality programmes and courses distinguished by creativity, novelty, and the creation of value for learners at different stages of their learning needs.
Courses available
BSc Honours Occupational Safety and Health Management (Top-up) (franchise, phasing out)
Find out more
Website: https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/lipace
Contact: lipace_nlp@hkmu.edu.hk