KMU Akademie & Management AG
These validated courses are organised by KMU Akademie & Management AG awarded and quality assured by Middlesex University.
Since 2011, Middlesex University has been in partnership with KMU Akademie & Management AG in Linz, Austria. Together we are offering German-language, extra-occupational remote study by e-learning, independent of time and location. Students are registered at Middlesex University and receive their degree from an internationally recognised UK University. Since 2011, under this partnership with KMU Akademie & Management AG, more than 2,500 students have already been matriculated at Middlesex University or have already successfully completed one of the cooperative study programmes and received a certificate from Middlesex University.
Courses available
BSc Business and Management (validated)
Master of Science in Business Psychology (MSc) (validated)
Master of Science in Political Management (Msc) (validated)
Master of Science in Public Administration (MSc) (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Business Informatics (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) General Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Logistics Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Energy Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Health Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Sports Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Consulting (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Tourism Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Property Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Education Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Financial Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Human Resource Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Marketing (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Business Psychology (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Leadership in Competitive Sports (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Digital Business and Innovation (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Flexible Study Options (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Insurance Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Environmental Management and Communication (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Digital Marketing Management (validated)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Social Management (validated)
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) (validated)
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)-English Language (validated)
PhD Leadership (validated, awaiting validation)
Additional Information
In addition to the system accreditation of Middlesex University by QAA, the courses of study in partnership with KMU Akademie & Management AG are also subject to a programme accreditation by the German accreditation agency AQAS (the Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes), in accordance with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).
AQAS is also a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and is listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
The AQ Austria has been notified pursuant to § 27 HS-QSG of the degree programme/s the Bachelor of Science ‚Honours‘ in Business and Management, Master of Science in Public Administration (MSc), Master of Science in Political Management (MSc), Master of Science in Wirtschaftspsychologie (MSc), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) study programmes offered in Austria in partnership with KMU Akademie & Management AG. The degree programmes have been listed in the AQ Austria's directory of the notification procedures pursuant to § 27 paragraph 6 HS-QSG (AQ Austria Homepage).
With the notification decision of the foreign degree programmes no equivalence with Austrian degree programmes and corresponding Austrian academic degrees is connected. The degree programmes and academic degrees are considered to be those of the educational institution's country of origin or country of domicile.
In case the decision on the notification is revoked by the Board of the AQ Austria, the degree programme(s) is/are no longer to be offered in Austria.
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