South Thames Colleges Group

This validated course was developed and is delivered and assessed by South Thames Colleges Group, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University.

South Thames Colleges Group (STCG) is one of London’s largest providers of post-16 education and training and is an ongoing and significant contributor to its local communities. STCG was created by a merger in 2017 and operates from four main College campuses located at Carshalton, Kingston, Merton and Wandsworth spread across four London Boroughs. STCG provides opportunities for students to study at undergraduate (degree level) and has approximately 900 Higher Education students. The BA(Hons) in Integrative Relational Counselling is delivered at Kingston College one day per week over a three year period. The course is led by experienced counselling practitioners all of whom have their own practices so are occupationally competent. This is a highly regarded course which has been delivered at Kingston College for the past 10 years. It encompasses BACP accreditation which enables graduates to become practising counsellors.

Courses available

BA Honours Integrative-Relational Counselling (validated)

Find out more

Contact: Dan Royle
Tel: 020 8546 2151