How we'll teach you


Whether you are studying full or part-time – your course timetable will balance your study commitments on campus with time for work, life commitments and independent study.

We aim to make timetables available to students at least 2 weeks before the start of term. Some weeks are different due to how we schedule classes and arrange on-campus sessions.

Teaching vs independent study

In a typical year, you’ll spend about 1200 hours on your course.

Outside of teaching hours, you’ll learn independently through reading articles and books, working on projects, undertaking research, and preparing for assessments including coursework and presentations.

Typical weekly breakdown

A typical week looks like this:

Learning Hours per week
On-campus 9
Online 4
Independent study 40

For placement, there may be additional hours.

Learning terms

On-campus or online: This includes tutor-led sessions such as seminars, lab sessions and demonstrations as well as student-led sessions for work in small groups. Most of teaching will be conducted in campus, but a small percentage of teaching will be online live streaming due to unexpected circumstances

Independent study: This is the work you do in your own time including reading and research.

Part-time study

You can also study this course part-time.

Our Hendon campus, north London.

Academic support

We have a strong support network online and on campus to help you develop your academic skills. We offer one-to-one and group sessions to develop your learning skills together with academic support from our library, IT teams and learning experts.