Viewing course details for 2024-25 year of entry

Course Leader
Laura Foley and Alfonso Pezzella
Study mode
Course overview

Course content

This session will equip mental health professionals with the basic skills, knowledge, and confidence to promote and value inclusivity in practice.

By completion of this study day, you will be able:

  • Articulate the need for the focus on cultural competence and meeting the needs of diverse populations in current practice.
  • Discuss the theoretical underpinnings of equality and diversity, and the meaning of cultural competence from different viewpoints.
  • Discuss the importance of addressing gender and sexual identity in your practice.
  • Reflect on your own practice in relation to the ability to display cultural competence and creative and inclusive practice.
  • Identify strategies to nurture confidence in your own practice when creative inclusive practice with people from different cultures, gender, and sexual identities.

Learning and teaching

Study mode: Synchronous online delivery via virtual classroom using one of the following web-based learning and teaching platforms (e.g. MS teams, Kaltura new row, Adobe Connect, Zoom).  The content on the day will be delivered via a mixture of PowerPoint presentation, small group exercise and discussion, group feedback and recap/quiz.

Fees and funding

There are several funding options available:

  • Receiving course fees via CPPD contracts between NHS trusts and Middlesex University
  • Paying your fees. This course is £120
  • Sponsorship by your employer.

For more information on these options, including fee rates for self-funding/employer-sponsored students, please visit our dedicated funding page.

About your course

Course content

During this module, you will learn to:

  1. Critically assess the relationship between drugs, crime and social structural factors by evaluating the research and evidence base
  2. Critically evaluate the role of the criminal justice system (in the UK or student’s country of residence) as a response to drugs in contemporary society through the application of criminological theories and concepts
  3. Formulate, present and critique structured arguments and key debates in relation to drugs control and justify conclusions drawn based on research evidence

Learning and teaching

This module is delivered by distance learning.

  • Distance learning materials: online module workbook to guide reading, exercises and activities.  For each unit of study, the workbook will provide: a brief introduction to the topic, specific learning outcomes for the unit, a list of essential reading and recommended further reading, exercises and activities to help students understand the issues, test understanding, consolidate reading and knowledge, and interact with other students and the tutor
  • Online lectures providing short overviews of key concepts and issues
  • Tutorial support via email, phone, Zoom/Skype
  • Online discussion board for module to debate and comment on key issues
  • Microsoft Teams/Kaltura – for students to share materials, use online meeting rooms and video conference

Summative assessment scheme

The module will be assessed by one essay worth 90% of the marks and contribution to online discussion boards (10%).

1. A 2,500 word evaluative essay

Applying criminological theories and concepts, you will be required to provide a critique and assessment of a specific drugs initiative within the criminal justice system (e.g. arrest referral, street level enforcement, policing drug markets, quasi-compulsory drug treatment, drug courts, drug testing or treatment in prison etc) with reference to the relevant research literature and evidence.)

2. Contribution of 150-200 words to at least 5 separate online discussion boards (5 x 2%).

You will receive 2% for each contribution, up to a maximum total of 10%. These contributions need to be made to the online discussion boards at the end of each unit. They will be assessed at the end of the teaching period (16.04.21)

Teaching dates

The module comprises six units which will be delivered over 12 weeks, all learning materials will be accessed via the online myLearning platform.

The module will be taught between Monday 11 January 2021 and Friday 16 April 2021 with the Summative assessment (2,500 word essay) being due on Friday 16 April 2021.

There will be two online workshops scheduled during the module.

  1. Sociological and Criminological Perspectives
  2. Drugs and Crime
  3. Drugs markets and enforcement
  4. Alternatives to punishment and prison
  5. Drugs and the penal system
  6. Possibilities for Drug Policy Reform

There will opportunities for individual tutorials and formative feedback on essay plans.

How to Apply

How to apply

To apply for this course, please email our NHS study days team.