The new International Higher Education Commission announces its first Commissioners
17 January 2023
MDX Vice-Chancellor appointed as one of the International Higher Education Commission’s first Commissioners
Middlesex University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Nic Beech, joins former Ministers, Lord Jo Johnson and Lord David Willetts in becoming one of the International Higher Education Commission’s (IHEC) first Commissioners.
The purpose of the IHEC is to develop recommendations for a new “International Education Strategy 2.0” in partnership with the higher education community. The Commission is Chaired by the Rt Hon Chris Skidmore MP.
“I’m delighted to have been appointed as one of the first Commissioners and I look forward to working with colleagues to develop an ambitious vision for the UK’s international education strategy. Our priority as always will be our students and enabling them to flourish and thrive in the UK and around the world.” Professor Nic Beech, Middlesex University
The first tranche of Commissioners includes:
- Lord Jo Johnson, Former Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation (2015-2018)
- Lord David Willetts, Former Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation (2010-2014)
- James Purnell, Former Secretary of State for Culture and VC, University of the Arts, London
- Diana Beech, CEO London Higher
- Anne Marie Graham, CEO UKCISA
- Nic Beech, Executive and Board Member University Alliance and Chair of UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment, Vice Chancellor Middlesex University
- Shearer West, International lead for the Russell Group Universities and Vice Chancellor University of Nottingham
- Karen Bryan, Chair of Yorkshire Universities & VC York St John University Further Commissioners will be announced through January.
Commenting on his new role, Professor Beech, said:
“I’m delighted to have been appointed as one of the first Commissioners and I look forward to working with colleagues to develop an ambitious vision for the UK’s international education strategy. Our priority as always will be our students and enabling them to flourish and thrive in the UK and around the world.”
In addition to hosting regular round table discussions, the Commission will produce a series of reports on key themes in the higher education sector over the next four months, and produce a consultation document, expected at the end May.
Chris Skidmore, Chair of the Commission remarked: “I am delighted at the progress of the Commission already. Feedback has reinforced just how relevant and timely it is and I am delighted at the depth and breadth of expertise represented by our initial tranche of Commissioners. We will undoubtedly be able to deliver on the crucial outcome - a clear vision for the UK’s International Education Strategy, one that doesn’t just treat students as numbers on a spreadsheet but can deliver the best possible outcomes for the sector and its many stakeholders – including, crucially, domestic students.”
Find out more about the IHEC