MDX recognised for LGBTQ+ work
15 February 2023
University jumps 45 places to secure place in the Top 100 workplace equality list
Stonewall, Europe’s largest charity for LGBTQ+ rights, has today published its annual list recognising institutions that do significant work towards supporting their LGBTQ+ employees. Middlesex University has been awarded Gold and has secured a place in the Top 100 list for leading LGBTQ+ inclusive employers in this year’s national Stonewall Workplace Equality Index.
MDX has secured 58th place out of 268 in the overall ranking and 8th out of the 30 Higher Education Institutions placed in the Index this year. This is a significant achievement for the University and community, substantially building upon the Bronze status previously awarded and climbing up 45 places from last year’s ranking.
The Workplace Equality Index is a benchmarking tool for employers to measure their progress on LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace.
Professor Nic Beech, the Vice-Chancellor, said: “I am proud that Middlesex University has been included in Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers List 2023 and the work that our LGBT+ community and university staff have undertaken to ensure that Middlesex is a truly inclusive working environment and a welcoming community.
“This Gold award is recognition of the positive steps we have taken to support colleagues within the university and we will continue to work to ensure LGBT+ staff and students can be their full selves and that we continue to create an environment that celebrates and values diversity.”
Ant Babajee (he/him), Customer Relationship Manager at the University and LGBT+ Network Co-Chair, added: “When I joined Middlesex in 2016, I was so heartened that there was an active and thriving LGBT+ Network for staff.
“In my subsequent four years as co-chair of the LGBT+ Network, I have been overwhelmed by the support we have received from colleagues. We have grown and shaped our understanding of what we need to do as a network and in our University inclusion work more generally.”
Ant said there was a continued need to highlight and stand alongside the more marginalised members of our community, both inside and outside of MDX and around the world.
“While there is much we collectively still need to do to support all my LGBT+ colleagues and all my fellow LGBT+ students to feel comfortable in bringing their whole selves to campus, today is a day of celebration for all of us in #TeamMDX,” he said.
For more information about Stonewall click here.