Researching Shifting Landscapes in Afghanistan 2019 to 2024

11 May 2023

Afghanistan Researching Shifting Landscapes

Research conducted in Afghanistan by Middlesex academics and Women for Peace and Participation partners is showcased at the University

At the ‘Researching Shifting Landscapes, Afghanistan 2019 – 2024’ event being held at Middlesex University on 16 May, academics will present the results from the GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub study and also lessons learnt from the team’s engagement in Afghanistan.

The UKRI-GCRF research Hub was formed in 2019 and based at the London School of Economics. Middlesex was one of the key partners in this five year, multi country project that works in Turkey, Lebanon, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.

Key speakers at the event include Professor Brad Blitz from University College London who will talk about gender and forced displacement and Dr Janroj Keles, Senior Research Fellow in Politics at MDX, who will focus on the situation in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2021. The line-up also includes Professor Eleonore Kofman, who is the principal investigator for the Middlesex University based partnership and Dr Neelam Raina who will present key findings from the Culture and Conflict project along with her colleague Abida Kakar from Afghanistan.

This event features original research and lessons learnt from our engagement in Afghanistan through Livelihood, Migration, and Displacement projects. The research was conducted as part of the UKRI-funded through GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub.

Some research activities are ongoing following the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021. This includes exploring the Gendered Dynamics of Displacement, the Return Mobilities specific to Afghans and their context, Peace building through Livelihood Initiatives and Lived Experience of Migrant Afghan women and children.

Current engagement in Afghanistan, captured by the idea of ‘shifting landscapes’, will be explored by a roundtable where participants from the Afghan community, humanitarian agencies, local authorities, and academic experts will discuss the politics of resettlement and the operation of the UK’s Afghan schemes.

Speaking about the event and the research, Dr Raina said:

“Our research team has been successful in continuing to work with women in Afghanistan, despite the enormous challenges following the fall of Kabul to the Taliban and the departure of NATO forces in August 2021, because they are on the ground working within communities and with the women in their own homes.”

Dr Raina and Abida Kakar will explore this continuation of work through their discussions at the event.

The project is underpinned by UN Sustainable Development Goals including gender equality, decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities and developing peace, justice and strong institutions.

Find out more about the Gender, Justice and Security Hub project at Middlesex University.