Centre for Enterprise, Environment and Development Research (CEEDR)
Supporting sustainable business, finance, inclusive socio-economic development and wellbeing
Welcome to the Centre for Enterprise, Environment and Development Research (CEEDR).
Our research operates at the heart of the economy to build stronger communities, by exploring small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), social enterprises and sustainable businesses in the UK and internationally. With the challenges facing the economy, society and the planet, our research in particularly explores the dynamics of responsible, resilient and sustainable businesses aiming to provide good work, inclusive prosperity, innovation, wellbeing and a regenerative economy.
Our research
Our work has an established reputation for high quality, independence and meaningful impact in business and place based economic development policy and practice. We work internationally and ensure our work reflects local contexts wherever it has an impact. Key research and impact themes comprise:
CEEDR Associates
CEEDR works with a range of associates within Middlesex University, in other organisations. Our work cuts across disciplines and often involves co-production with practice and policy focused organisations.
Postgraduate Research
The Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research (CEEDR), is a leading academic research centre based within Middlesex University's Business School. We offer postgraduate research degree programmes with dedicated supervision which can be studied either full-time or part-time.
As one of our research students you will be part of a community of scholars and academics assisting you to complete your programme successfully. You will also be part of a developmental program proving advice and guidance needed to an academic career and for maximising the impact of your work through knowledge exchange. We welcome PhD and DProf applications in relation to the following core research areas:
Social and sustainable enterprise
- Social entrepreneurship and social enterprise
- Nature based solutions and circular economy business models
- Measuring social value
- Innovation and public services
- Social investment and green finance
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) growth, innovation and finance
- Financing SME growth
- Home based business
- Migrant and ethnic minority businesses
- Measuring firm performance
Local/regional economic development and regeneration
- Clusters in developed and developing economies
- Informal economic activities
- Diversity and urban economic development
- Sustainability and the green economy
Employment, skills and the quality of work.
- Maternity protection in SMEs
- SME regulation and employee relations
- Labour market and skills policy and analysis
For further discussion of PhD possibilities, please contact Leandro Sepulveda.
Funders and Clients
When delivering contract research we work closely with our clients to produce rigorous outputs meeting their needs. We offer a wide range of consultancy research services, from policy and strategic evaluations through to primary and secondary data collection, analysis and action research.
Our activities are funded by grant-based research from bodies such as the Economic and Social Research Council and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and contract research commissioned by clients that include national government departments, international organisations and a range of local and regional bodies.
Keep in touch
If you'd like to learn more about our research, academic staff or publications, please contact us:
Professor Fergus Lyon, Head of CEEDR
Email: f.lyon@mdx.ac.uk
Tel: 020 8411 6856
Pamela Macaulay, CEEDR administrator
Email: p.macaulay@mdx.ac.uk
Tel: 020 8411 5460
Middlesex University Business School
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT
United Kingdom
fax: (+44) (0) 20 8411 6607