Work and Learning Research Centre
Welcome to the Work and Learning Research Centre. Our research, engagement and knowledge exchange in work and learning is internationally renowned as leading in the production of knowledge in the field.
Our staff research sits firmly in the sphere of Education and has a pan-university remit. Since its establishment in 1997 our work has been influential in applying theoretical perspectives from education and practice theories to empirical studies in the creation, translation and use of knowledge and innovation.
Our research
Research in the theoretical and ethical aspects of practice-based studies, especially the spaces that connect higher education with work practices brings philosophical ideas to bear on professional development including transdisciplinarity, ethics, values, and epistemologies of change.
We have been particularly successful in research which informs professional learning through a cross-disciplinary higher education curriculum that acknowledges the transdisciplinary nature of work (paid and unpaid). For undergraduates this encompasses the work integrated learning of placements, other work-related learning and degree apprenticeships . For professionals undertaking part-time degrees we have researched and developed curricular and pedagogies appropriate for researching professionals who have existing expertise in their own professional practice.
Our research recognises the strong associations between Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and how knowledge is conceptualised, conducted, and evaluated. Consequently we developed responsive methodologies for practitioner-research and engaged with the purposive role of experiential knowledge in the evaluation of research that gives relevance to change initiatives.
Postgraduate research
Our postgraduate researchers have a practice orientation, seeking to develop their own or their professional area of practice (see examples). Their transdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder engagement with academic and professional networks takes on challenges that cut across curricula and face current professional issues often to enhance the social good.
The Research Centre’s research and development in doctoral curricular relevant for professional learning provides our Professional Doctorates and Practice-based PhDs with integrated, practice-based approaches, aiming to enhance the exchange and translation of knowledge with considered outcomes and engagement. The Centre’s international leadership and reputation is signified by our facilitation of the International Association for Practice Doctorates and chairing the International Conference on Professional and Practice-based Doctorates.
Our doctorate pathways
- Master/ Doctor of Professional Studies
- Master/ Doctor of Professional Studies by Public Works
- Practice-based MPhil/PhD in Work Based Learning
- PhD in Work Based Learning by Public Works
The Work and Learning Research Centre works closely with and is a special interest group of the Centre for Research and Scholarship in the Education Department.
Please visit Work-based Learning e-journal.
Our open days
This is your opportunity to speak with our friendly academics to learn about our courses, industry connections and career paths postgraduate study at Middlesex can offer.
Transdisciplinary approach
Our transdisciplinary approach is able to address the complexities that arise for individuals and organisations when scoping and carrying out research into professional practice for a range of purposes. In this enduring and successful engagement, leaders, managers and employees from a wide range of sectors explore and navigate through the complex nature of their everyday work. Our conception of work encompasses all workers paid and unpaid and all valued contributions to practice. Such diverse domains of practices and disciplines, both within and outside organisations and professional communities enable candidates on our programmes to arrive at innovative and relevant change programmes or solutions to sticky problems. The transdisciplinary approach recognises that the professional is no longer discipline bound but negotiates across a range of disciplines and seeks solutions through using knowledge and skills drawn from diverse fields and domains.
The University’s Researcher Development Programme runs all year to provide research training either face to face or in the form of webinars accessed remotely. Additionally, the Research Centre provides research tutorials, seminars and meetings with research students, staff and guest speakers aimed at providing academic training in the methodology, epistemology and subject-matter of the field.
Our integrating University themes
For further enquiries about any of these degrees
Please email Professor Carol Costley or call 0208 4116 524 and leave a message.
Impact Case Studies
The Work and Learning Research Centre has been particularly successful in carrying out research and knowledge exchange which informs professional learning programme content, from certificate to doctoral level, within and beyond its own university. Transdisciplinary connotes a unity of knowledge beyond disciplines that has been developed for over 30 years. Our research centre has developed a transdisciplinary approach from the knowledge co-creation between University and professional communities, bodies and organisations in the UK and internationally.
Please refer to the following case studies:
- Middlesex University - Impact case studies
- UK Council for Graduate Education - Impact case studies