Ready For Anything
Are you ready for a summer of exclusive events and activities to help you get prepared for uni? Our Ready For Anything programme offers tailored support and resources to give you the best start on your journey at Middlesex University.
Welcome and congratulations on receiving an offer to study at Middlesex University. There is so much to look forward to and we’re excited to help you get ready for your journey to university.
Our Ready for Anything programme offers tailored support and resources to give you the best start to your journey at Middlesex University.
Our programme will help get you set up for your transition into university life. Join us this Summer for an inclusive set of activities that reflect the culture and values of Middlesex!
You can expect sessions that will welcome you into our #TeamMDX community and help you connect with others, advice from our support services to help you look after your wellbeing whilst you're with us and as well as practical advice to ensure you're ready for your studies!
Information about the August/September 2025 programme will be provided in July. Please check back then!