MDX Life Skills

MDX Life Skills is a video series for students aged 14-18. These are focused on topics that aren’t typically included in traditional educational contexts but are often equally as important throughout life.

What is MDX Life Skills?

MDX Life Skills: More than an education

What is MDX Life Skills?

We want participants to join us for a variety of sessions focussed on mental fitness and wellbeing, how to use/save money as a student, how to de-stress, and skills to excel in a work environment.

Our bite-size videos featuring current Middlesex students will focus on five students from diverse backgrounds, giving an insight into their personal journey to university, and their hopes for the next chapter.

This series covers three main areas:

Life Skills: Wellbeing and Resilience

Life Skills: Wellbeing and Resilience

Wellbeing is fundamental for everyone and is instrumental to happiness and success. Along with some special partners, the MDX Life Skills Series seeks to introduce you to ways you can improve your wellbeing.

Watch our recorded sessions below:

Student Money Hacks

Student Money Hacks

Whether you’re at school, college, or University. It’s never too early (or late) to learn tips and tricks on what to do with your money. Join current students to learn about ways to save and use money effectively,

Watch our recorded sessions below:


Work Smart - The Future

Work Smart - The Future

In these sessions, we focussed on getting you ready for the world of work, with a particular focus on the skills needed in the future.

Watch our recorded sessions below:

  • Skills for the Future: Learn which skills are going to be most important in 2025, how computers are stealing some jobs, and how they are making others easier.
  • Your Personal Brand: Learn how to use social media to create your online brand to improve employability and tips and tricks to improve your online presence.
  • Virtual interviews: Virtual and remote interviews are here to stay, learn the do’s (and don'ts) of online interviews and how to ace them to get the job!
Our partners

Our partners

Logo of a brick educator, featuring a stylized brick design with the word

The Brick Educator

Jamie Lawrence aka The Brick Educator is a LEGO Education Trainer certified by the LEGO Group to provide professional training and development to teachers and educational professionals focusing on using LEGO Education solutions to compliment the National Learning Curriculum. As well as providing training, Jamie hosts 'The Brick Educator: A Learning with LEGO Podcast' interviewing Teachers and LEGO professionals from across the globe as well as running LEGO based learning challenges on Instagram.

We are Conscious

Logo of 'we are conscious' representing awareness and mindfulness.

In these unprecedented times, many people are feeling isolated, anxious and overwhelmed about an environment that is outside of their control. Use this period to help your teams look inwards to focus on the things that are really important and create life changing habits. We are Conscious organisational enlightenment helps organisations guide groups, from their current place of school or work, through experiences that will help transform their mindset during isolation.