Creative portfolios, interviews and auditions
Explore tips from our creative students to help you best showcase your abilities and potential when you apply for a creative degree at Middlesex
Art and design portfolios and interviews
A portfolio is an important part of your application for an art and design course. It is a collection of your work to give the tutors an idea of what you can do and assess if you are suitable for the course.
We've put together some helpful tips to make the most of your portfolio. Afterwards, MDX students Jad and Sahar tell you about preparing your portfolio and how to do your best at your visual arts interview. Find out what they enjoyed about their experience and why you will too.
You can also watch a recording of our Facebook Live webinar on creating your portfolio.
What to expect at your dance or theatre arts audition and interview
Students Aaliyah and Corey share their experiences of doing an audition and interview for their course and what they enjoyed about it. Get their advice on how to prepare before you come and how to do your best on the day.
What to expect at your interview and audition for music
Euan explains what happens at your interview and audition for a music course and why you don't need to worry. Hear his advice on how to make the most of this opportunity to meet your tutors and come to campus.