Offers for nursing and midwifery
Your offer is an important step on your journey towards becoming a nurse or midwife so here's what to do next
How to accept your offer
Go to UCAS Track to accept your offer.
Choose one offer as your firm (first) choice, and one offer as your insurance (backup) choice.
Your personal deadline to reply to your offer will be on UCAS track.
Conditions of your offer
When you accept, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Middlesex University and the Nursing & Midwifery Council. The terms of your offer and the regulations governing your studies at Middlesex University are subject to English law.
Your offer will also outline any conditions that will need to be satisfied before you start.
- Satisfactory proof of qualifications (please refer to your UCAS offer)
- Satisfactory occupational health clearance
- Completed declaration of caution form
- Satisfactory DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance
- Satisfactory Overseas police check (where appropriate)
- Any academic conditions as specified in your offer. You will need to upload all achieved qualifications and certificates to your applicant portal by the end of July
Make sure you complete these forms as soon as you receive them. If you complete your DBS and occupational health forms late, or do not complete them, then you may not get clearance in time to start your placement and we may discontinue you from your course.
Read our guidance on the Disclosure of Criminal Record as well as our policy onthe recruitment of ex-offenders to programmes.
Evidence of qualifications
You can upload copies of your GCSE, functional skills or key skills certificates and any other qualifications outlined in your offer letter on our Online Applicant Portal before you enrol.
Bring the originals with you to enrolment.
If you are an Access student then you must complete a full Access course and achieve a minimum of 60 credits (45 credits at level 3 and 15 credits at level 2).

Clearance and health checks
DBS checks
You must complete a UK DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check and, if applicable, an overseas police check form to secure your place. Read the information on our DBS check page carefully and follow the instructions.
If you complete your DBS form late, or do not complete it, then you may not get clearance in time to start your placement and we may discontinue you from your course.
Occupational health form
Before you begin your course, you must also complete and return the occupational health form .This should be valid within six months. Your GP is required to complete part of the form. Any expense charged by them to do this is your responsibility.
How to return your form
Send your completed form in an envelope marked 'Private and confidential occupational health form'. Write your full name, your UCAS personal ID / Middlesex ID and your programme title on the envelope.
Send this via recorded delivery to: Middlesex University, Admissions Team, Attention: Denise Brown, The Burroughs, London, NW4 4BT
All details will be treated with strictest confidence.
If you complete your occupational health form late, or do not complete it, then you may not get clearance in time to start your placement and we may discontinue you from your course.
Attend a health appointment
You will need to make a copy of your occupational health form and bring it with you when you attend a health appointment.
For Midwifery /PGDip Nursing applicants, your appointment will have to be made prior to the start of your programme. Complete the occupational health form by 29th June 2018 at the latest.
For Bsc Nursing applicants, the health appointment will be arranged for you when you start your course. Please complete the health form by 27th July 2018 at the latest.
More information on health clearance
Infection with HIV, Hepatitis B or C does not prevent you from becoming a student nurse. However you may be restricted from certain types of practice experience. You can get more information from the Department of Health.
Information for secondees
Notify the Admissions Office if you are being seconded so we can make sure that you are allocated to the correct Trust and that your occupational health form is sent to the correct Occupational Health Unit.
After you accept
Come to a preparation day
You'll get an invite to attend a preparation nursing or midwifery day on our campus when you accept you offer. These days normally take place from May onwards. They are a great opportunity to meet students and staff, ask questions about studying at Middlesex and get a taste of your course. Look out for our invitation!
Check your induction timetable
Your course will start in mid-September. Before your course starts we will send you an induction timetable so you know what to expect in your first weeks at university. This will include your exact start date.
Learn more about studying at Middlesex